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Veterans display at Wayne Public Library
By Sarah Shurge 835 for two years. in Wayne ever since and retired from
As we welcome the month of No- His brother, Frank Valdez Jr., Ford after 32 years.
vember, many people’s first thought served in the United States Air Force He’s been married to his wife for
goes to Thanksgiving. A holiday fo- during the same years and fought in 12 years and has one daughter and
cused on family, friends, football, Vietnam. His other brother, Charles stepson. Every Veterans Day, Valdez
and food. But another holiday hap- Valdez, was a United States Marine goes to get breakfast or dinner with
pens earlier in the month that some Corps Reserve from 1963-1971. wife at restaurants that honor veter-
would consider much more impor- Charles passed away in 2017 ans.
tant. Veterans Day. from cancer and since then, Valdez “Those that died and those that
Veterans Day is a day set aside to has been fighting for Reserves to get are still living, deserve to be hon-
celebrate and honor all military vet- medical benefits because his brother ored,” said Valdez.
erans who have served. That in- Charles didn’t receive any after his The Wayne Public Library is now
cludes those who have died in the service. Charles never went active doing its part to honor those that
service and the ones still with us. duty and therefore, didn’t qualify for have served by setting up the veter-
So how do you celebrate? What benefits. ans’ display.
do you do to honor them? Valdez has been writing letters, “Thank you [veterans] for your
Wayne veteran Daniel Valdez and Wayne veteran Daniel Valdez asks resi- calling politicians, and trying to con- service and thank you, Mr. Valdez for
the Wayne Public Library have come dents to submit pictures of local veter- tact people about this matter be- the suggestion. We are always open
up with a way to honor our veterans cause he full-heartedly believes it's to suggestions from the community
for November. ans to the library this month. time for a change for Reserves. about events and displays the library
Valdez attended one of the city with your “Anyone that completes their serv- can do,” said Wolak. “Please con-
council meetings and decided to name and branch of service. Or, you ice, they deserve every bit of honor,” tinue to let us know. That's how we
speak up about an idea he had. He can bring a photo into the library said Valdez. continue to offer things that benefit
went to the Plymouth Library and and they will make a copy. Once Valdez’s service ended, he the community.”
saw they had a big board with pic- The display will be put up in the went back to school and got his The library is open Tuesday
tures in honor of veterans, so he library lobby the first week of No- diploma. He completed 11th and through Thursday from 10:00 a.m.
made the suggestion to create a dis- vember, and pictures will continue to 12th grade in six months of night to 8:00 p.m. and Friday and Satur-
play for the veterans here in Wayne. be added throughout the month as school. He then moved to Wayne, day from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It’s
Next thing Valdez knew, he was they come in. Michigan to better his life. He’s been closed on Sunday and Monday.
talking to the council on the phone “If people are receptive, we could
about his idea and making plans bring this back every year,” said
with the Wayne Library for the dis- Wolak.
play to happen. Valdez already sent his picture in
“This is an opportunity to thank and his brother’s picture in as well.
the veterans for the service they have Valdez was born in Tampa,
provided and shine visibility on peo- Florida. He was a wild kid growing
ple in our local area that we may not up and due to uncontrollable circum-
realize have served this country,” stances, he didn’t get to graduate
said Jody Wolak, Wayne Public Li- high school. Out of anger, he joined
brary director. the service without his parents know-
It’s very easy to get involved. Any ing. Due to his love for ships, he
veterans in the area, family of veter- joined the Navy. Valdez served in the
ans in the area, or anyone with a con- United States Navy from 1968-1974.
nection to Wayne that is a veteran, During his service, Valdez was sta-
can submit a picture for the display. tioned at Newport, Rhode Island and
You can email a picture to stayed on the USS Charles P. Cecil
16 · November 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch