Page 17 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 17

BRIEFS, Continued from page 14    able take-home containers, dispos-
                                                                                                                  able masks, non-latex gloves, serving
                                                                                loved one with a birthday wish, Wed-  utensils  (spoons,  tongs  and  pie
                                                                                ding  Anniversary  or  to  just  show  server), and plastic grocery bags.
                                                                                your support for the greater Wayne   The  team  is  also  seeking  dona-
                                                                                area. Individual and Family sponsor-  tions of cases of soda pop, turkeys
                                                                                ships are $25+. For more informa-  (5),  hams  (4),  2  trays  of  candied
                                                                                tion,  contact  the  Notre  Dame  Hall  yams,  2  trays  of  corn,  2  trays  of
                                                                                (734) 722-6911.                   green  bean  casserole,  dinner  rolls
                                                                                                                  and desserts.
                                                                                  Wayne  resident  Lenny  Powell     If you would like to donate, but
                                                                                and  his  family  are  once  again  you  don’t  have  the  time  or  trans-
                                                                                spearheading their annual Thanks-  portation  to  shop,  monetary  dona-
                                                                                giving dinner for the residents of  tions  will  be  accepted  and  the
                                                                                Wayne Tower. After a year off due to  shopping will be done for you. Re-
                                                                                COVID, the dinner is back on again  ceipts will be provided, if needed.
                                                                                and  the  Powell  family  needs  your  Volunteers  are  being  sought  to
                                                                                help in serving the anticipated 200-  help serve food, cook and or/clean
                                                                                250 guests.                       up. Donations are needed by Novem-
                                                                                  The dinner will be on Saturday,  ber 15.
                                                                                November 20, at Wayne Towers. The    Because of on-going COVID risks,
                                                                                team is requesting donations of the  the residents will be taking their din-
                                                                                following: a box of 250+ individually  ners to their residence to eat.
                                                                                packaged  flatware,  napkins/paper   Please contact Felicia Powell by
                                                                                towels,  wipes  for  clean-up,  trash  text   (734)   716-2647,   email
                                                                                bags, rags, half- and full-size dispos-  or
                                                                                able aluminum pans, 250+ dispos-  message her on Facebook.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 17
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