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Judge O’Leary                      Tips for holiday online shopping

          to preside over                       Well, it’s here.                                                  Monday immediately after Thanks-

                                                                                                                  giving, has been giving Black Friday
                                                The  holidays  are  upon  us,  and
          truancy court                      the countdown is on to find the per-                                 a run for its money (pun totally in-
                                                                                                                  tended) in recent years. This is the
                                             fect gifts for family and friends.
                                                And with each passing year, more                                  day when online retailers promote
             In response to the rise in chronic  consumers turn to online shopping                                big sales, so you can save even more
          absenteeism among our local youth,  to find their items of choice. An Au-                               without  having  to  step  foot  into  a
          the 29th District Court is partnering  gust YouGov survey of nearly 2,500                               store.
          with  Wayne  Memorial  High  School  adults revealed that 62% of respon-
          and Wayne Youth Assistance to hold  dents said they planned on making  ready  loaded.  Plus,  you  still  have  5. Don’t be afraid to
          informal  truancy  hearings  at  the  their purchases online. That figure is  some degree of fraud protection. If  buy the same gift twice
          29th District Court in Wayne.      down, of course, from 71% in 2020,  you  have  previously  registered  the  If you find a gift that you know
             Judge  Breeda  O’Leary  will  pre-  when  COVID-19  lockdowns  kept  card and you report the loss or theft  several  people  on  your  list  would
          side over the intervention hearings,  many stores closed. Still, it’s well up  to the card issuer, most will restore  enjoy, buy it in multiples. This cuts
          designed to be troubleshooting ses-  from 51% in 2019.                your  original  balance  and  issue  a  down on your shopping time, and if
          sions with at-risk students, their par-  Furthermore, about six in 10 con-  new card. However, since many pre-  the retailer is offering free shipping
          ents,  school  officials,  and  Wayne  sumers say they will mainly shop on-  paid debit cards come with high fees,  or any variation of a “BOGO” (Buy
          Youth Services personnel. The stu-  line this holiday season, according to  read  the  terms  before  getting  one,  one, get one) deal, even better.
          dent’s record of attendance and aca-  a   new   survey   from   Credit-  and  consider  only  using  these  for
          demic performance will be reviewed,—and more than half in-  holiday shopping.                6. Be mindful of
          along with any disciplinary history.  tended to start before Halloween to                               your shipping address
          Explanations  for  chronic  absen-  avoid  those  potential  supply-chain  3. Shop online                  The rise of online shopping has
          teeism vary widely and include such  disruptions  we’ve  been  hearing  so  only at home                led to an increase of home deliver-
          issues  as  lack  of  transportation,  much about lately.               Don’t make purchases on public  ies—and  with  it,  an  increase  in
          homelessness, substance abuse, un-    Despite the inherent advantages  Wi-Fi networks. Wi-Fi networks use  “porch pirates,” or crooks who steal
          treated mental health problems, and  of shopping from your recliner—con-  public airwaves. Translation: It can  packages from doorsteps. If no one
          lack of medical insurance.         venience, the avoidance of lines and  mean open sesame for thieves. With  is  home  to  accept  a  package,  con-
             The goal is to agree on an inter-  crowds, and the prospect of lower  a little tech know-how and the freely  sider  shipping  to  youroffice  or  an-
          vention plan to improve attendance  prices,  there  also  lurks  one  disad-  available Wi-Fi password at the cafe,  other  safe  location.  UPS,  Amazon,
          and academic achievement. During   vantage that is difficult to deny:  someone can intercept the data you  and  FedEx  all  now  have  shipping
          the informal hearing, a partnership   This is also the time of year when  send and receive while on free public  lockers available for secure deliver-
          is formed between the parents and  online  scammers  make  a  killing—  Wi-Fi.  Shopping  online  usually  ies.
          school officials. Often, students are  often at our expense.          means giving out information that an
          empowered by this process because     Here  are  some  tips  on  finding  identity thief would love to grab, in-  7. Keep an eye on
          they plan an active role in identifying  precisely  what  you  want—safely—  cluding  your  name,  address,  and  your records
          solutions  with  school  personnel.  online:                          credit card information. Bottom line:  After purchasing gifts, monitor all
          Parental   involvement   increases.                                   It’s never a good idea to shop online  your accounts and bank statements.
          Cases are generally monitored from  1. Plan ahead                     or log in to any website while you’re  Check  your  statements  for  fraudu-
          one report card marking period to     Let’s face it: Many of us have seen  connected to public Wi-Fi.   lent charges at least once a week or
          another. A review date is set to exam-  a reduction in the amount of our dis-                           set up account alerts. When you re-
          ine the student’s progress. The col-  posable income this year. So, before  4. Remember                 ceive  a  text  or  an  email  about  a
          laboration   with   local   schools,  you  even  start  holiday  shopping,  Cyber Monday                charge, you can check the message
          community  service  agencies,  and  make  a  gift  list  and  set  yourself  a  Of  course,  you  may  find  some  and likely easily recall whether you
          court officials creates an atmosphere  budget, which can help prevent last  pretty awesome deals on Black Fri-  recognize the charge and made the
          where parents get support and kids  minute splurge purchases.         day. But Cyber Monday, which is the  purchase.
          get to school. It has proven success-
          ful in reducing truancy while avoid-  2. Use prepaid debit cards
          ing any formal court involvement. If  Shopping with prepaid debit card
          the intervention fails, formal truancy  removes a lot of the risk that goes
          proceedings  would  be  initiated  with  online  shopping.  And  here’s
          through the Juvenile Court.        why: These are different from debit
             “I am excited for the opportunity  and credit cards because the money
          to work with our local youth in im-  isn’t connected to your credit history
          proving  their  attendance  and  aca-  or to a bank account. Simply load
          demic    performace   at   Wayne   money onto the prepaid debit card
          Memorial High School. I am grateful  and use that balance for purchases
          to Dr. James Anderson and Wayne    and reload when needed. If a scam-
          Youth Assistance for partnering with  mer gets hold of the card informa-
          the Court on this very important mis-  tion,  the  crime  pretty  much  ends
          sion. This is just one of many ways  there. The thief can’t open new credit
          the Court hopes to serve its commu-  accounts in your name, drain your
          nity  and  help  its  residents,”  said  checking  account,  or  make  pur-
          Judge O’Leary.                     chases  over  the  amount  you’ve  al-
                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 13
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