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By Courtney Conover renowned Joe Louis statue, Steward- and held all the rights to the brand. I knew we had to find a way to join
Here’s the thing about legends: Williams and Styers announced how “The education is free, and the gym forces.”
Even in the wake of their departure, Norwayne Boxing Gym’s boxing and program is free—as long as they fol- Also joining Steward-Williams
greatness persists. youth development programs—cou- low the educational program. And and Styers as a fellow partner is
At a press conference held at pled with the iconic Kronk heritage you can’t ask for anything more than businessman Scott J. Savage.
downtown Detroit’s TCF Center on and brand name—would be of serv- that.” The joining of Steward-Williams,
October 9, 2021, Kronk Boxing De- ice to local at-risk youth. The new Kronk Gym is located at Styers, and Savage is big, indeed.
troit revealed a new partnership be- “We have the products, we have the Jefferson-Barns Community Vi- But to truly gain a proper under-
tween Sylvia Steward-Williams, pros, but we did not have an educa- tality Center at 32150 Dorsey Street standing of just how big, one must go
daughter of Kronk’s Boxing Hall of tional youth program. And with this in Westland’s Norwayne neighbor- back in time.
Fame trainer Emanuel Steward, and youth educational program, we are hood. It all began with a man—Steward-
Jeff Styers, owner of Westland’s Nor- able to educate kids, and have a free Says Steward-Williams, “When Williams’s father, Emanuel Stew-
wayne Boxing Gym Youth Develop- program for them,” says Steward- the opportunity came to partner with ard—who lived and breathed boxing
ment Program. Williams, who has been leading the Jeff Styers, who has a track record and would go on to have an indelible
Amid the backdrop of the Kronk brand for more than 25 years of putting kids and their futures first, effect on the sport, infusing it with
2 · November 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch