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P. 4

“I’m honored to be a
          KRONK, Continued from page 3
          become the CEO of—Arrow Strate-                                                                                 partner in the
          gies,  an  employment  agency  in
          Southfield. Styers realized that the                                                                             international
          very same skills he had honed while
          boxing were integral in the establish-                                                                     Kronk brand with this
          ment  of  his  nationally  recognized
          staffing and recruiting business.                                                                             legendary family.
             And so, in 2015 Styers, a Wayne
          Memorial High School graduate who                                                                          To carry on Emanuel’s
          earned a degree in business manage-
          ment from the University of Michi-                                                                                mission is a
          gan-Dearborn, opened the Norwayne
          Boxing Club in the former Jefferson-                                                                          dream come true.”
          Barns Recreation Center (formerly
          Jefferson-Barns Elementary School)                                                                              Jeff Styers
          building  on  Dorsey  Street  in  West-
          land,  which  is  now  the  site  of  the  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa and Westland Mayor Bill Wild with Kronk Partner Jeff
          new Kronk Gym.
             It’s almost as if Styers has come  Styers at the Grand Opening of the new Kronk Gym in Norwayne. Photo by WLND
          full circle.                       them.”                             ing Club back in 2015.
             His interest in helping youth—in   Says Styers, “What Emanuel was    “God  told  me  there  were  other
          equipping them with the confidence  doing  was  youth  development—he  things to do,” said Styers back then.
          and tools necessary to strive for and  just didn’t call it youth development.”  Fast-forward to 2021—to a new,
          attain  success—is  not  necessarily  Still, the question remains: Does  unprecedented chapter for Kronk—
          new to boxing.                     Styers  ever  wonder  whether  he  re-  which Styers is beyond proud to be
             And especially not to Steward’s  tired too soon? What if he had de-  a part of.
          brand of boxing.                   cided to hang in longer?             Says Styers, “I’m honored to be a
             “My father cared deeply about the  What if?                        partner in the international Kronk
          young people at the (former Kronk     Styers   pondered—and      an-  brand with this legendary family. To
          Gym on Detroit’s west side),” says  swered—this  very  question  on  a  carry  on  Emanuel’s  mission  is  a
          Steward-Williams. “He took care of  busy Thursday at the Norwayne Box-  dream come true.”                    

          4 · November 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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