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not only his skill but also his sheer                                                                   the picture.
          passion.                                                                                                   You read correctly: Styers is no
             The story of how Steward got his                                                                     stranger to the Steward family, nor
          start has all the makings of a quin-                                                                    is he a newbie to boxing in general.
          tessential   small-town-boy-made-                                                                          At the aforementioned press con-
          good  tale,  complete  with  healthy                                                                    ference, Styers spoke about a letter
          doses  of  grit  and  determination                                                                     he  received  from  Steward  back  in
          thrown in for good measure. Born in                                                                     1984, when Styers was a senior in
          West  Virginia  in  1944,  Steward                                                                      high school.
          moved  to  the  Motor  City  when  he                                                                      “I still have that letter today,” Sty-
          was a young boy, just 11 years old.                                                                     ers recalled at the event.
          He evolved into an accomplished am-                                                                     Some background on Styers:
          ateur boxer before eventually choos-                                                                       A native son of Norwayne, Styers
          ing to become a coach in the ring.                                                                      became enamored with the idea of
             His  big  break  was  a  humbling                                                                    boxing after seeing the movie Rocky
          part-time position at Kronk Gym for                                                                     at age 13. He then set his sights on
          $35 a week back in 1971.                                                                                becoming a professional boxer him-
             Over  time,  the  young  boy  from                                                                   self.  His  unofficial  foray  into  the
          West Virginia eventually became the                                                                     sport involved refusing to back down
          trainer  affectionately  known  as                                                                      when neighborhood kids came look-
          “Manny.” And he grew to become the                                                                      ing for a fight. Styers’ tenacity came
          world’s  most  successful  boxing                                                                       in  handy  later  when  he  officially
          trainer,  having  trained  41  world                                                                    began to pursue a career in boxing at
          champion fighters, including Tommy                                                                      an inner-city Detroit boxing gym.
          Hearns, Hilmer Kenty, Lennox Lewis,                                                                        It  was  there  that  Styers  experi-
          Wladimir Klitschko, Milton McCrory,                                                                     enced his first knockout.
          Andy Lee, and Oscar De La Hoya.                                                                            But he was far from deterred.
             In addition to training youth, am-                                                                      In  the  mid-1990s,  Styers  was
          ateur, and professional boxers, Stew-                                                                   touted as a future world junior wel-
          ard was a longtime commentator for                                                                      terweight champ. At the apex of his
          HBO Boxing and was elected to the                                                                       career,  his  inner  voice  instructed
          International  Boxing  Hall  of  Fame                                                                   him  to  walk  away  from  it  all—the
          and the World Boxing Hall of Fame.                                                                      matches,  the  sponsorships,  every-
          Furthermore,  his  philanthropic  ef-                                                                   thing—and  he  finished  his  profes-
          forts  were  right  up  there  with  his                                                                sional career with an 11-0 record.
          professional accolades, as Steward                                                                         But  despite  the  ending,  some-
          also donated his time and money to                                                                      thing remained: His connection with
          help  children  attend  school  and                                                                     Steward. “My relationship with the
          graduate from high school.                                       Boxing Hall of Fame Trainer Emanuel Steward   Stewards, getting to know Emanuel,
             In 2012, Steward succumbed to                                                                        his wife, Marie, and daughter, Sylvia,
          colon cancer at the age of 68.     gym closed, too. But three years after  side.                        goes back many years,” says Styers.
             The original Kronk Gym, which   Steward  died,  Steward-Williams     But as Steward-Williams stressed   And Styers, a former U.S. marine,
          opened  shortly  after  World  War  I,  opened the doors to a new gym at a  before, the Kronk brand was lacking  was never really done with boxing.
          closed in 2006, but Steward moved  new location. In 2015, Kronk then  an educational component for youth,  Styers  went  on  to  launch—and
          his training to a temporary location  opened in a church facility located  in a formalized sense.
          before  he  passed  away.  Then  that  on Mettetal Street on Detroit's west  And that’s how Styers re-entered         See KRONK, page 4

                     Kronk Partner Jeff Styers  Kronk Partner Sylvia Steward-Williams    Kronk Partner Scott Savage      Marie Steward (Emanuel’s wife)
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 3
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