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Things people with tidy homes do daily

             Things people with tidy homes do  PUT CLOTHES AWAY.                WIPE DOWN THE
          every day April is upon us, so you    Tell me: Do you loathe putting the  KITCHEN COUNTERS.
          know  what  that  means:  In  these  laundry  away?  Or,  worse:  Do  you  This tip from Country Living mag-
          parts  we  may  still  have  a  good  throw  your  dirty  clothes  on  that
          month—at least—before we can con-  chair in the corner instead of tossing  azine is a win-win because it’s cheap
          sistently spend time outdoors sans  them in the hamper? I’m certainly  and easy: Wipe down kitchen coun-
                                                                                ters nightly with a homemade solu-
          long  sleeves  (or  worse  yet,  long  guilty of that. And I’m not alone, ap-                           zine, gets everyone to pitch in for a
          johns).                            parently.  Debra  Johnson,  a  home  tion  that’s  one  part  vinegar,  three  quick tidying up session. Her family
                                                                                parts water, and a squirt of almond
             But we can somewhat soften that  cleaning  expert  from  Merry  Maids,                               of four picks up the dog toys, puts
          blow by ensuring that our home’s in-  has these words for us: "Before you  oil dish soap and store in a spray  away the mail, hangs up jackets, and
          terior looks and smells as good as it  go  to  bed,  put  dirty  clothes  in  the  bottle.  The  vinegar  cuts  through  puts items back in their place. "With
                                                                                grease  while  also  clearing  up
          can. And that might not require as  hamper or re-hang clean ones in the                                 everyone  helping,  it  usually  takes
          much effort as you might think. I’ve  closet. And in the morning, fold your  smudges on stainless appliances.  less than five minutes, and I feel so
          searched high and low for the most  pajamas  and  store  them  in  their                                much better when I come downstairs
          comprehensive  pointers  from  ex-  proper place."                    In the bathroom…                  in the morning and the house is or-
          perts and professionals, and here’s                                   WIPE  DOWN  THE  BATH-            ganized," she says.
          what I found.                      In the kitchen…                    ROOM SINK—EVERYTIME.
                                             TAKE OUT THE TRASH.                  For those of us who abhor a dirty  OPEN A DOOR OR TWO.
          In the bedroom…                       Oh,  the  difference  this  next  tip  sink,  Ashlee  Edie,  a  professional  Sherry Petersik, who co-authored
          MAKE THE BED.                      makes! It comes from Good House-   cleaner  at  Handy,  a  professional  Lovable Livable Home with her hus-
             Before she even thinks about leav-  keeping magazine: Sort through left-  cleaning and handyman service, has  band, John, suggests we air it out. "I
          ing the house for the day, North Car-  over food and throw away anything  the holy grail of tips: Wipe down the  throw open the front and the back
          olina-based  interior  designer  Amy  you don’t think your family will eat.  bathroom sink. Every. Single. Time.  door to air out the house every day,
          Bell makes the bed. Says the owner  The  magazine  says  that  mornings  (But  even  if  you  did  it  once  a  day,  even just for a few minutes if it's cold
                                                                                                                  outside," she says. "It helps to fight
          of Red Chair Home Interiors, "Even  are the most suitable time to take the  that  would  likely  be  an  improve-
          if the rest of the room isn't picture-  garbage out as well, as we can simply  ment.) Says Edie, "You will instantly  off stale air—or any random linger-
          perfect, a neat bed instantly makes  tie up our trash bag and put it out-  see what a big difference it makes,  ing  odors  from  dinner—and  it
          the  whole  space  look  pulled  to-  side—instead of letting stinky food  because  when  you  don't  do  this,  makes  the  house  feel  fresh  and
          gether."                           smell up the fridge all day.       makeup, toothpaste, soap, and hard  breezy."
                                                                                water build up, making your entire
                                                                                bathroom appear slightly dirty."  USE THE
                                                                                                                  “TWO-MINUTE RULE."
                                                                                SQUEEGEE THE SHOWER.                 Procrastinators,   take   heed:
                                                                                  Now, this one, also from Country  Sometimes,  it's  easier  to  tackle  a
                                                                                Living magazine, may be a bit over  task head-on instead of waiting until
                                                                                the top, but the merits are surely jus-  later…whenever that might be. "If a
                                                                                tifiable: Squeegee the shower door  task takes less than two minutes to
                                                                                after every shower to prevent water  complete, do it immediately," advises
                                                                                spots and grime and keep the glass  Gordon.  "Small  tasks  that  are  al-
                                                                                looking clear and bright.         lowed to pile up will turn into fodder
                                                                                                                  for procrastination later."
                                                                                General tips to keep in mind…
                                                                                USE PICTURE LABELS
                                                                                                                     Courtney  Conover  is  a  wife
                                                                                ON TOY BINS                       and  mom  of  two  kids  who  has
                                                                                  Celebrity   organizing   expert  called  Wayne  home  since  1995.
                                                                                Emma Gordon has something both    Catch up with her weekly by vis-
                                                                                parents and grandparents can get be-  iting her blog at www.courtney-
                                                                                hind: Pull and print images of your
                                                                                kids’ toys from a quick Google image
                                                                                search, then use that as the label for  Hey, Dispatch readers, it’s almost
                                                                                a  toy’s  container.  “Young  children  time to celebrate the dads, and we
                                                                                have a natural desire to help, which  want to know something: How has
                                                                                can be encouraged with age-appro-  your father—or the father figure in
                                                                                priate  organizing,”  says  Gordon.  your life—shown his love without di-
                                                                               “And when the image is bright and  rectly saying so? How has he been
                                                                                appealing,  putting  away  toys  can  there  for  you  in  unyielding  ways?
                                                                                turn into a captivating game.”    The Dispatch wants to know! Share
                                                                                                                  your experience by e-mailing courtn-
                                                                                DO A FIVE-MINUTE         and put “Dis-
                                                                                CLEAN UP.                         patch  Father’s  Day”  in  the  subject
                                                                                  Before bed, Camilla Fabbri, con-  line. You may be included in June’s
                                                                                tributor  to  Farmhouse  Style  Maga-  Mindful Moment column.
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · April 2022 · 13
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