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Tuning into Positivity
WWJ Newsradio 950’s midday anchor Brooke Allen is a wife, mother, and unabashed
optimist. Here, she shares her approach to remaining hopeful about the future.
By Courtney Conover me, but as far as in the studio—be-
Brooke Allen is a woman who cause I’m solo—it’s me. But because
knows what she likes—and it in- my husband was retired, that was
cludes connecting with Metro Detroit probably the saving grace. Otherwise,
listeners every weekday. And drink- I probably would have had to quit.
ing coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. CC: I have to ask you about self-
A graduate of Wayne Memorial care, putting yourself first in an un-
High School’s class of 1988, Allen selfish way as a means of improving
went on to study theatre at Eastern our overall health. What little
Michigan University before heading things—little actions—do you do for
out west to California. And her yourself that bring peace?
Wayne roots run deep: her grandfa- BA: I’ve done so many interviews
ther, Patrick Cullen, even served as on this, and it’s so interesting to me
Wayne’s city manager back in the that self-care kind of sounds…self-
1980s. Every weekday afternoon ish, right? But that moment of
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Allen maybe watching your favorite TV
holds down the studio while inform- show or grabbing your favorite cup
ing Metro Detroit listeners as WWJ’s of coffee from a local coffee shop—
midday anchor. She also hosts the when maybe you shouldn’t be doing
WWJ Difference Maker podcast, that, honestly, because it’s like, Oh
which, as the name implies, shines a my gosh, I’ve got to be somewhere or
spotlight on folks who make a differ- I’ve got to do something—taking that
ence in the lives of others. But that’s moment, as small as it may be,
not all: One can also find Allen along- means so much. For me, I usually do
side Dewey Steffen, the CEO and the coffee thing. I love coffee. And
Chief Financial Investor at Great people just assume that it’s the caf-
Lakes Wealth, on the What Dewey Do feine part of it. But when I have a cup
podcast, a financial planning and Wayne Memorial High School’s class of 1988 graduate, Brooke Allen. of coffee, it reminds me of my fa-
wealth management series. vorite conversations with my favorite
This proud mother of nine-year- evening stuff that goes on when you radio industry term that refers to the people, like my grandfather who
old twins—whom she affectionately have a family. My kids go to bed technique of working out how much worked at Ford, and one of my best
refers to as “The Twinkies,” knows a around nine, and then I may try to time is left before an event] every- friends. Stuff like that. Yes, I love the
thing or two about making great sneak in a Law & Order episode. thing because that’s how you get out coffee and the caffeine, but to me, it
radio—and making the choice to see CC: What are your thoughts on the door, and that’s how you do what brings back that sense of my life, re-
the glass as half-full. achieving balance? There are varying you need to do. And, to have an out- ally.
Courtney Conover: I am so ex- opinions regarding whether we as line of what you need to have done CC: Now, let’s shift gears from
cited to talk to you today! Let’s start mothers can truly have it all—one of that day is always a good idea and peacefulness to heaviness. The
with the essentials: You’re a wife, a my favorite sayings is that we can in- something I really try to live by. Do I tragedy last month at Oxford High
mother of twins, and you’re enjoying deed have it all—just not at the same do it all the time? Absolutely not. School shook all of us to our core—
a thriving radio career. Take me time. Is balance something you ac- CC: Everyday life consists of jug- and I don’t think that it’s an exagger-
through your typical weekday… tively strive for? gling work commitments, relation- ation, particularly for all of us
Brooke Allen: Well, I get up at BA: What I’ve realized as my kids ships, our kids’ schooling, parents who have the tough task of
5:30, and my kids start school at have gotten older is that it’s gotten extracurricular commitments, etc. explaining this to our children. How
eight o’ clock. I drop them off, head easier because they’re independent. All of which can be challenging did you approach this subject with
to WWJ, where I do my interviews But you really have to have every- enough…and then the pandemic The Twinkies?
and whatever I’ve got scheduled to thing scheduled to a T. Because if happened. What has enabled you to BA: I was debating on the drive
air either that day or the next day. something goes off the rails, then it’s continue to show up and be your home that day—I was really upset—
And then I go on the air at ten, and off the rails. And if that happens, ob- best self in the wake of all this? and I didn’t know what to do as far
I’m on the air until two o’ clock in the viously, what’s going to give is maybe BA: My husband had actually re- as they were concerned. So, I
afternoon. After I’m off at two, most my Law & Order—as selfish as that tired, so when everything got locked emailed their teacher and their prin-
people assume that I leave, but I’m sounds…right? In our industry, time down and my kids were sent home cipal, and I said, “Are you guys going
actually there until four—either is of essence—especially in radio be- for good, he was home with them, to be talking about this?” And they
doing more interviews or whatever is cause it’s a big deal. But, personally, which was what allowed me to work. had said that they were sure it would
needed. When breaking news hap- maybe not so much. So, I’m con- I was always in the studio because I be mentioned, but if I feel it needs to
pens, obviously, you stay when you stantly saying to The Twinkies, “We run my own board and all the tech- come from me, please do. So, I sat
need to. But I typically walk out of have to be on time; we have to leave nical stuff I do myself. I have a pro-
there at four. Then, it’s the typical in five minutes,” and I back time [a ducer who does my newscasts for See WWJ, page 5
The Wayne Dispatch · January 2022 · 3