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P. 6

WWJ, Continued from page 5         ing a sense of optimism. What’s one
                                             thing you think we could all do to
          buys everyone’s drinks! And I asked  bring more positivity into our lives in
          him why he does it, and he said that  2022?
          it was about making a difference in   BA: Okay. This might sound silly,
          someone’s day. It’s just so amazing.   but…smiling. Yes, it’s free and easy,
             CC: Okay, shifting gears—again, I  but I also think [it’s about] paying
          must ask this because I truly think  closer  attention  to  people.  I  mean,
          enquiring Dispatch minds will want  obviously,  the  bad  stuff  is  more
          to  know:  What  has  your  husband,  prevalent. But, if you pay attention to
          award-winning Hall of Fame WWJ af-  your  surroundings,  which  I  do
          ternoon anchor Greg Bowman, been   mostly because of my job, [you will
          up to since his 2019 retirement?   see the good stuff]. I’m always look-
             BA:  He  takes  care  of  The   ing  for  a  news  story,  but  by  doing
          Twinkies, and although he is retired,  that, I’ve met some incredible people.
          he actually still fills in at WWJ. And  It’s simple. Listening and being gen-
          it’s kind of funny because sometimes  uine makes all the difference. And I
          he’ll  even  fill  in  for  me!  So,  that’s  really  do  think  smiling  opens  the
          wild.                              door. Even with a face mask on, you
             CC: How cool! Sidebar: What was  can still tell if someone is smiling by
          it like to work alongside your hus-  their eyes. It’s about paying closer at-
          band?                              tention to people, rather than your-
             BA: Working  with  him  was  al-  self.
          ways one of my goals because he is    Listen to Brooke on WWJ News-
          the consummate professional. He’s  radio  950  from  10  a.m.-2  p.m.
          so  good  at  his  job,  I’ve  always  ad-  weekdays  and  find  her  on  Face-
          mired  him  for  that.  I’ve  respected  book, where she posts link to the
          him as a journalist and broadcaster  Difference  Maker  podcast,  which
          and  just  always  thought  he  was  airs on WWJ on Thursdays and Sat-
          amazing.  It  was  fun  to  work  with  urdays.  Visit  whatdeweydopod-
          him, honestly. We had a great time.  to  find  the  What  Dewey
             CC: Back to the common thread   Do  podcast  featuring  Brooke  and
          of our interview, which is maintain-  her co-host, Dewey Steffen.

          6 · January 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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