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Wayne DDA: The year 2021 in review
By Sarah Shurge monthly visits to different busi-
Many of the events you attended nesses within the DDA District using
and enjoyed in Wayne throughout Facebook Live, and followed up with
2021 could not have been possible a feature story. She even provided
without the City of Wayne Downtown gift certificates for the business to
Development Authority (DDA) and give to anyone who mentioned that
you probably didn’t even know it. they saw the feature story.
The DDA has many purposes, The DDA made a significant in-
some of which are to correct and pre- vestment in 2021 to promote the
vent deterioration of business dis- Downtown through a multi-media
tricts, promote economic growth and Holiday campaign. The six week
revitalization, and to encourage his- campaign includes commercials fea-
toric preservation. The goal is to tured on both Wow and Xfinity, web
bring business into the City of Wayne ads, print ads, and a billboard en-
and do it in a fun and exciting way Members of the DDA and City Administration were excited to celebrate the opening couraging individuals to “Experience
for the public. Downtown Wayne.”
The DDA has partnered with of Klassy Kellection located at 34840 Michigan Ave. on June 15, 2021. Something you have to experi-
many businesses and sponsored Kubany, many new activities and nity to win some exciting prizes. ence in Downtown Wayne are the
many events for the City of Wayne. events were added throughout the During 2021, the DDA did a col- Concerts in the Goudy Park. The
So with the start of a new year, it’s Downtown that drew in a whole new laboration with the Wayne Chamber DDA sponsored a table at each con-
time to bring their involvement into potential customer base for our busi- of Commerce and sponsored two Ca- cert. They gave away a $50.00 dollar
the spotlight and give them the recog- ness.” reer Fairs held in the downtown that gift card and movie passes to two
nition they deserve. Another huge event the DDA was were coordinated and presented by lucky winners each week.
“We have an excellent Board of Di- involved with was the Downtown the Chamber. These two events pro- Gold Boxes also popped up
rectors that has a desire to be cre- Wayne “Makers Market” that opened vided opportunities to the public to around Downtown Wayne once again
ative and think outside the box,” said its doors for business on November gain employment at one of many in 2021. Individuals who entered the
Lori Gouin, DDA Director. 11th, 2021. The purpose of the Mar- businesses in Wayne. drawing had a chance to win $50.00
The DDA Leadership Team con- ket is to support small business, Another event the DDA spon- dollars in gift cards for several differ-
sists of: Chairman: David Steinhauer while also providing a unique shop- sored and produced was “Empower ent local Wayne businesses.
with Professional Insurance, Vice- ping experience that draws shoppers Wayne.” Many individuals from the In 2021, the DDA was able to cre-
Chair: Jim Demmer with Jack Dem- into the Downtown. business community gathered for ate a relationship with the Knights of
mer Ford, and Secretary/Treasurer: “The whole idea behind this was the first-time networking event. The Columbus Notre Dame Council
Scott Gocaj with US-12 Bar and giving an opportunity for makers in event provided local business own- 3021. The Knights are located at
Grill. The Board Members are: Vince Wayne to grow their business. We ers with an opportunity to get to Notre Dame Hall in Wayne and the
Law with Law Auto Sales, John [the DDA] hope they can make know one another, share ideas, and land adjacent to the Hall has become
Rhaesa the City of Wayne Mayor, and enough connections to create a cus- business success stories. an outdoor event space. The Knights
Pier-La’Shaye Walker a City of Wayne tomer-base and be able to open up The City of Wayne welcomed 23 are responsible for programming the
resident. The Administration is: Lori their own business in the city,” said new businesses in 2021: 24/7 Clean- space and the DDA provides spon-
B. Gouin the DDA Director and Lisa Gouin. ing Service, Abe Chahrour Invest- sorships for many of the events held
Kubany the Director of Marketing The DDA originally planned on ments, Bewinked Salon, Brookies at the site.
and Events. having only ten spots available for Café, Club Flexx LLC, Comforting The DDA also continues to collab-
In 2021, the DDA hired Lisa makers. However, due to popular de- Care, Fresh Choice (New Owner), orate with the Wayne Historical Soci-
Kubany to serve as the Marketing mand, the Makers Market has 14 in- Hair Café, Klassy Kellection, Lucky’s ety and sponsored the annual
and Events Director. dividual makers. Gourmet Subs, Muffler Dave's (Ex- Holiday Night at the Museum. On De-
Kubany played a huge role in one “The new Downtown Wayne Mak- tension), O Holistic LLC, On the cember 4th, 2021, over 600 people
of the annual events the City of ers Market was by far one of the Spot CPR Training, Owens Automo- gathered in Downtown Wayne to par-
Wayne always looks forward to: most exciting projects I have ever tive, Party with a Tee, Pizza Hut (New ticipate in the event. This year, the
Cruisin’ US12. worked on. It has been a complete location), Premium Holistic, Quality event was much more than just a
The 15th annual US12 car cruise success,” said Gouin. 1 Auto Sales, Tri County Security tree lighting and seeing Santa. There
looked a little different. On July A “Small Business Saturday” Cameras, Vonnies World Respite was a parade, activities, prizes, food
10th, 2021, Pit Stops were added event was introduced and hosted by Care, Washington Square Retail, trucks, performers, and more.
throughout Downtown Wayne that in- the DDA this year at the Makers Mar- Wayne Beer and Wine, and Weddings “The DDA was a proud sponsor
cluded food trucks, activities, and ket. The first 100 guests that came by Lama. of the 2021 Holiday Night at the Mu-
entertainment. The DDA served as a through the doors received a shop- “It is very encouraging that the seum,” said Gouin.
partner with the businesses to help ping bag full of coupons and goodies. number of new businesses locating If you are interested in more in-
with the organization of all the extra Some of the bags had a $50.00 dol- in the city has not declined despite formation about the Makers Market
activities. lar gift card added to them. the current day challenges. It just (which runs through the end of Jan-
“The 2021 US-12 Cruise was by On the same day, the DDA also shows that Wayne is a destination for uary), or any other event the DDA
far the biggest and best that I have launched the “Passport Program” in- many new start-up businesses,” said has sponsored or hosted, please con-
seen since I started in 2016,” said tended to encourage individuals to Gouin. tact Lori Gouin, City of Wayne DDA
Gouin. “Thanks to our new Market- visit local businesses, get their pass- To get more involved with the Director, at (734)722-2002 or by
ing and Events Director, Lisa port stamped, and have an opportu- business community, Kubany paid email at
4 · January 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch