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P. 10
Cruise, Continued from page 6
will start inside at the bar.
The fourth stop is called the Fam-
ily Fun Zone. This is at the Wayne
Historical Museum on Towne
Square St. behind the PNC Bank.
There will be carnival games, prizes,
fire engines, as well as three food
trucks running from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
The fifth stop will be a vendor
show in the open lot next to
Brookie’s Cafe Wayne. Jen’s Wayne
Treasures will be hosting 40 outside
vendors at this stop. There will also Cruisin’ US 12.
be three food trucks open from 11 nations are being accepted to benefit
a.m.-6 p.m. childhood diabetes.
The sixth stop will be at Karma The parking lot opens at 8:30
Coffee Shop & Kitchen and Books on a.m. You can register your classic
the Ave on Michigan Ave, past car for $10. There will be prizes for
Sophia St. This stop will have an out- Best in Show, Most Original, and
door vendor show and barbeque Show Favorite.
with hamburgers and hotdogs. McDonald’s on the corner of
The seventh stop will be at Kurt's Michigan Ave and Wayne Rd, will be
Caps on Michigan Ave, past Clark St. hosting a kid friendly event starting
This stop is offering ice cold water, 10 a.m. with a balloon artist and ma-
as well as a free public restroom. gician. A radio station will also at-
Kurt’s Caps will also be selling shirts. tend.
The eighth and final stop is at The Makers Market located at
Jack Demmer Ford, Inc. on Michi- 34852 W. Michigan Ave and 2nd St.
gan Ave, before Newburgh Rd. There will be having a Christmas in July
will be a band, car show, Mustang sale at the market. They will also be
club, and three food trucks running hosting a “holding area” for those
from 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. that want to shop the event but don’t
Each pit stop and food truck's want to carry their bags up and
running time will vary depending on down Michigan Ave. This stop will be
location. open 12 p.m.-8 p.m.
A porta potty will be stationed at Parking lots in downtown will be
Mark Chevrolet, US12 Bar and Grill, hosting local car clubs, while other
the Veteran’s Plaza, the vendors cars will be driving up and down
show, and Jack Demmer Ford. Michigan Ave. Thousands of cars
Harry J. Will Funeral Homes on show up each year for the cruise,
Michigan Ave, past 4th St. is an hon- and there are lots of regulars and
orable mention to stop at. Come crowd favorites expected to make an
from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. for hot cakes appearance.
and hot rods. Breakfast is $5 a ticket Make sure you come out and
and kids ages 12-under eat free. Do- enjoy the event!
10 · July 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch