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VETERANS, Continued from page 11                                                                        vide a food pantry day every Tuesday.
                                                                                                                  The food bank is firstly for veterans
          but this year being their centennial                                                                    and then people within the commu-
          year,  they  are  doing  a  project  a                                                                  nity can come after.
          month. In celebration of their 100                                                                         The Gleaners truck arrives every
          year  anniversary,  they  decided  to                                                                   Tuesday anywhere from 7:30 a.m.-
          sponsor the painting of the exterior                                                                    10 a.m., so volunteers are asked to
          of Veteran’s Haven.                                                                                     show up around 8:30 a.m. on Tues-
             Saturday, June 25th, 15 people                                                                       day if they wish to volunteer.
          were on site painting the exterior of                                                                      Veteran’s  Haven  welcomes  cash
          Veteran’s Haven.                                                                                        donations (which can be dropped off
             “To me, it was a magical thing,”                                                                     at their location), new-clothes dona-
          said Carol Bevard, President of the                                                                     tions  (because  of  COVID,  they  ask
          Rotary Club of Wayne. “I didn't know                                                                    for no used-clothes donations), food
          how many people would come. 14                                                                          donation, or volunteers to help with
          other people came and they were all                                                                     the food bank on Tuesday mornings.
          very  good  painters.  It  went  very  Rotary Club of Wayne President, Carol Bevard, and her nephew give a big thumbs  If you are interested in donating,
          nicely and I was so thankful.”     up to volunteering and making a difference at Veterans Haven. Photo by Stan Shelton  volunteering, or looking for more in-
             City  Councilman  Kevin  Dowd,  colors Inc in Redford.             Bevard. Bevard served in the United  formation, you can contact Veteran’s
          City  Councilwomen  Kelly  Skiff,     Judge  Breeda  O’Leary  allowed  States  Navy  from  1975-2005.  She  Haven   by:   email   at   veteran-
          Wayne  Mayor  John  Rhaesa,  Lori  three people from the 29th District  was active-duty for three years.,  phone  at
          Morrow, Patt Hartford, Ron Hayes,  Court Work Program to participate     “I wanted to do something nice  (734)728-0527,  or  find  them  on
          Bridget Kelly, Pat Rice, Matt Brindle,  in  the  event  as  well:  Drake,  Chris,  for them [Veteran’s Haven] because  Facebook at Veteran’s Haven.
          Stan  Shelton,  CrossPointe  Church  and Tenoy.                       they do so much for the community,”  The Rotary Club of Wayne is look-
          Pastor  Mick  Devins,  Eric  Scott,   One person from the Work Pro-   said Bevard.                      ing  for  more  people  to  join.  They
          Kathy Stellema, John VanStipdonk,  gram was a veteran from the United   Veteran’s Haven is open 9 a.m.-12  meet every Tuesday at Noon in the
          and Carol Bevard all were involved  States Marine Corp and had served  p.m. Monday-Friday. They are closed  Thomas  Kelly  Room  in  the  Wayne
          with either painting, getting supplies  two tours in Iraq. They came to paint  on holidays.             Public Library. If you are interested
          donated, getting food donated, tak-  and ended up leaving with informa-  In  1999,  Veteran’s  Haven  part-  or  looking  for  more  information,
          ing  photos,  doing  building  mainte-  tion from Veteran’s Haven on how to  nered  with  Gleaners  Community  visit, find them on
          nance, or clean-up.                find help and assistance. “I’m a vet-  Food Bank.                    Facebook at
             Linda Gable was responsible for  eran  and  I  know  about  Veteran’s  With the partnership with Glean-  tary,  or  contact  them  at  waynero-
          getting the paint donated by Tekni-  Haven  from  being  a  veteran,”  said  ers, Veteran’s Haven is able to pro-

          14 · July 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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