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6 Michigan must see spots to visit this summer

             Like the saying goes: There’s no                                   vard. And coming soon, a highly an-  traveling through a tunnel. The views
          place like home.                                                      ticipated, $50 million Motown Mu-  along this 27.5-mile stretch promise
             And that’s especially true if home                                 seum  expansion  project  will  grow  the most stunning outlooks of Lake
          is here in the Great Lakes State.                                     the  museum  campus  to  a  50,000-  Michigan in the state, which make
              After all we’ve endured over the                                  square-foot  world-class  entertain-  this drive spectacular all year 'round.
          past two years, many of us are itch-                                  ment   and    education   tourist
          ing to return to the summers of yore.                                 destination.                      Traverse City
          If  getting  out  and  exploring  once                                                                  (Traverse City, MI)
          again is on your agenda, what better                                  Grand Haven                          I  mean,  c’mon:  How  could  Tra-
          place to explore than our own back-  nearly 50 feet and is more than 200  City Beach                    verse City not make the cut, right?
          yard (figuratively speaking)?      feet across, making it the biggest in  (Grand Haven, MI)             The charm of this old-fashioned and
              Here’s a list of six spectacular  the state. One can observe stunning  As  they  say  in  Grand  Haven:  enchanting  locale  is  simply  irre-
          Michigan spots that just may tickle  beaches and lakes, too. Famous for  "Lose the shoes, forego the salt, and  sistible. Also known as Cherry Capi-
          your fancy. Whether you’re the never-  its outdoor recreation, there's also  skip the sharks." With 48 acres to  tal of the World, this city’s peaceful
          one-to-sit-down type of traveler or if  hiking,  golfing,  horseback  riding,  offer, this state park resides on the  ambience, quaint architecture, and
          taking things slow and easy is more  and biking here. (There's snowmobil-  shores of Lake Michigan and is con-  thoroughly enjoyable festivals have
          you’re speed, there’s something here  ing, skiing, and ice climbing during  sidered among the best beaches in  earned  it  a  place  among  the  best
          for everyone…                      the  winter.)  Oh,  and  there's  the  Michigan. It includes more than 150  small town travel destinations and
                                             dreamy prospect of gazing the amaz-  campsites as well as a fishing pier,  the top places to retire in the country.
          Sleeping                           ing Northern Lights.               play area, and picnic sites. A post-  There’s  The  Village  at  Grand  Tra-
          Bear Dunes                                                            card-perfect boardwalk will take you  verse Commons, Front Street, Mari
          (Maple City, MI)                   The Motown Museum                  to the iconic red lighthouse standing  Vineyards, Traverse Area Recreation
             Located at the northwestern tip  (Detroit, MI)                     tall in the blue water. Furthermore,  and  Transportation  Trails,  and  so
          of the Michigan mainland, this treas-  Ahhh,  that  distinct  Motown  an array of cafes and restaurants are  much more. Suffice it to say, if winer-
          ure boasts an unparalleled view of  sound. There's nothing like it. And  located a stone’s throw away from  ies and breweries, coffee shops, na-
          Glen Lake and Lake Michigan, hosts  while that music provided the sound-  Grand Haven Beach.            ture     trails,   farms,    and
          an expansive park site, and includes  track of life for many Americans dur-                             19th-century-themed cruises sound
          recreation  in  the  forms  of  hiking  ing  the  sixties,  it  lives  on  and  Tunnel of Trees         like a good idea, just know that you’ll
          (Dune Climb), canoeing (Crystal or  continues  to  amass  new  fans.  Im-  (Harbor Springs, MI)         be going to the right place.
          Platte rivers), and biking (Heritage  mersing yourself in the stories of this  This  journey  takes  the  phrase
          Trail). This place has it all.     legendary recording studio would be  “going  on  a  drive”  to  a  whole  new  Courtney  Conover  is  wife  and
                                             a perfect way to spend an afternoon.  level. The Tunnel of Trees, the M-119  mom of two who has called Wayne
          Tahquamenon Falls                  You can't help but feel the energy of  Heritage Route traveling from Har-  home  since  1995.  She  blogs  at
          State Park (Paradise, MI)          inspiration and creativity upon walk-  bor  Springs  to  Cross  Village,  is  a and is a fan
             This  Upper  Peninsula  gem  pos-  ing through the doors of this humble  breathtaking  display  of  northern  of  traveling  just  about  anywhere
          sesses  more  than  300  waterfalls—  home-turned-studio-turned   mu-  hardwoods located this close to the  that has wine, scenic views, and a
          the Upper Falls alone has a drop of  seum located on West Grand Boule-  roadway, which creates the feeling of  bit of solitude.
          Ford investment of $2 Billion in Michigan

          By Sarah Shurge                                                       a  25  year  absence,  the  Bronco  re-  this  announcement  solidifies  our
             During the Mackinac Policy Con-                                    turned in 2021.                   place  as  leaders  in  manufacturing,
          ference  on  June  3rd,  Governor                                       Ford’s $2 billion investment will  while  bringing  more  good-paying
          Gretchen Whitmer announced an in-                                     have an impact on the entire state  union jobs back to Southeast Michi-
          vestment by Ford of more than $2                                      with the increase of jobs resulting in  gan.”
          billion across the company's plants                                   spinoff investments and local rede-  According    to
          in Michigan.                                                          velopment opportunities.          “Since  2016,  Ford  has  announced
             “Today’s  announcement  marks                                        Reuters reported the investment  nearly $10 billion in investment in
          another  historic  economic  win  for                                 will support increased production of  Michigan, largely around electric and
          the state in recent months and will                                   Ford’s F-150 EV lighting, assembly of  autonomous vehicle manufacturing,
          help  our  economy  grow  even                                        a new Ranger pickup truck, and a  supporting nearly 10,000 new and
          stronger,” said Governor Whitmer at                                   new  Mustang.  Ford  also  plans  to  retained jobs for Michigan’s manu-
          the conference.                                                       build a new parts packaging facility  facturing workforce.”
             The project is expected to create                                  in Monroe County.                    The  investment  announced  will
          more than 3,200 good-paying union  Building the Bronco on the line at the  State Representative Kevin Cole-  also secure the company's existing
          jobs and to help boost the company’s                                  man (D-Westland) issued the follow-  internal combustion engine vehicle
          electric vehicle (EV) production fu-  Wayne Assembly plant.           ing  statement:  “The  auto  and  operations in Michigan.
          ture  in  this  state.  According  to  The  Wayne  Assembly  plant  is  manufacturing industry built Michi-  “We are thrilled that Ford is ad-
          Reuters, the 3,200 jobs are expected  known for first introducing the 1966  gan's economy, and this investment  vancing its long legacy in Michigan
          to  include  2,000  at  the  Dearborn,  Ford Bronco model in 1965. For 30  in EVs and hardworking Michigan-  by  investing  $2  billion  to  create
          Flat  Rock,  and  Wayne  assembly  years the Bronco continued produc-  ders will only help drive our econ-  3,200 good-paying UAW jobs,” said
          plants.                            tion in Wayne until 1996. Then after  omy forward. I'm excited to see how  Governor Whitmer.
          12 · July 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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