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Wayne bands ending on a high note

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         to watch.
             The Wayne-Westland Winter Per-                                                                          For the last time in the 2020 sea-
          cussion’s 2022 season has come to a                                                                     son, WMP performed their "Legacies
          close.                                                                                                  in  Stone"  show  in  the  Old  Gym  at
             Wayne-Westland  Winter  Percus-                                                                      Wayne Memorial.
          sion  (WWWP)  unveiled  their  2022                                                                        At  the  end  of  the  2020  season,
          program “Portraits of Spain” at the                                                                     the WMP was still four-time defend-
          WGI  Troy  Regionals  on  Saturday,                                                                     ing State Champions with two con-
          February  12th.  The  ensemble  had                                                                     secutive  top  ten  finishes  at  world
          two performances that day and re-                                                                       competition.
          ceived a score of 68.00 in prelims                                                                         Fast forward to April 2022, and
          and 69.80 at finals.                                                                                    Wayne  Memorial  High  School  has
             Their next competition was Satur-                                                                    been  selected  as  one  of  the  80
          day,  April  9th,  at  MAPA  Lakeland.                                                                  schools that have received the Sup-
          The  members  competed  at  MAPA                                                                        port Music Merit Award from the Na-
          State  Championships  and  scored                                                                       tional   Association   of   Music
          81.50 for their last performance of                                                                     Merchants (NAMM).
          Portraits of Spain.                Wayne-Westland Winter Percussion’s 2022 season has come to a close! The ensem-  This award acknowledges an in-
             Having  a  last  performance  at  a                                                                  dividual school for its commitment
          competition like this was drastically  ble competed at MAPA State Championships last month, scoring 81.50 in their last  to music education. It is a "school-
          different from how Wayne Memorial  performance of Portraits of Spain.                                   only" distinction awarded as part of
          Percussion (WMP) finished their sea-    At the end of the 2020 season, the WMP was                      the Best Communities for Music Ed-
          son in 2020.                                                                                            ucation program.
             In March 2020, Winter Guard In-      still four-time defending State Champions with                     Wayne Memorial is one of three
          ternational  (WGI)  and  Michigan                                                                       schools in Michigan to receive this
          Color  Guard  Circuit  (MCGC)  can-  two consecutive top ten finishes at world competition.             particular award.
          celed the remainder of the 2020 sea-                                                                       Huge congratulations to Director
          son due to COVID-19. So with last  chestras, and Austin Mortiere, along  the season also included final run-  Wolf and all of his students on their
          minute  planning  by  Michael  Wolf,  with the permission from school ad-  throughs of the show in full uniform  hard work and dedication to music,
          WMHS  Director  of  Bands  and  Or-  ministration, the final rehearsal of  for family and friends who came out  no matter the situation.

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · May 2022 · 11
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