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Congresswoman secures $850,000 for WWCS
By Sarah Shurge tion, and we’re going to build that
“Every kid’s pathway is going to here in Wayne-Westland,” said Dig-
be different. Some kids will jump nan.
into the workforce after highschool. Placements will be made through-
Some kids will go to community col- out the District and with partnering
lege. Some kids will go to a four-year municipalities.
school. We want to promote all of “The biggest thing is, is doing
that,” said WWCS Superintendent what's best for our kids. And part of
John Dignan. “Every kid is different that is building relationships with
and every pathway is going to be dif- the business community, skill trades,
ferent that our kids go on and we to provide opportunities to advance
need to support them.” equity and promote student suc-
The “Wayne-Westland Build Your cess,” said Dignan. “If it wasn’t for
Future: Pathways to the Workforce” everyone coming together, working
is one way Wayne-Westland Commu- towards a common goal: which is
nity Schools (WWCS) is supporting our kids, this never would have hap-
kids’ paths. “Pathway to the Work- pened.”
force” is a Community Funding Proj- Representative Tlaib also gave a
ect to provide work-based shout-out to her Chief of Staff,
internships and job shadowing op- Larissa Richardson at the ceremony.
portunities for students. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib presents WWCS Superintendent John Dignan and “If it wasn’t for her, would not
WWCS recently celebrated a part- staff with a check for $850,000 for the “Wayne-Westland Build Your Future: Path- have gotten over 15 million dollars,”
nership with Southeast Michigan said Representative Tlaib. “There
Community Alliance (SEMCA), ways to the Workforce” program. were 10 projects throughout the dis-
United States Representative School District. At the ceremony, she touch things. And even if they decide trict and every single request they
Rashida Tlaib, SEMCA Chief Execu- presented a $850,000 check for the that they don't want to do something, put in got approved, including this
tive Officer Gregory Pitoniak, and Su- "Wayne-Westland Build Your Future: they're going to save themselves one and renovations for the am-
perintendent John Dignan to bring Pathways to the Workforce” project money and time on the back end and phitheater.” Representative Tlaib re-
the "Wayne-Westland Build Your Fu- that was approved for funding by the they might see something they want cently presented the City of Wayne
ture: Pathways to the Workforce” House and Senate and signed by to do,” said Dignan. Council with a check for $550,000 to
project to life. President Biden. She also toured the WDFCTC offers 19 different pro- fix the Goudy Park Amphitheater.
“This is made possible only be- facility. grams. “We talked about night school and
cause of the extraordinary foresight “I’m really happy that 850,000 “We culminate high school here at votech, and those are important be-
and efforts of congresswoman dollars can be invested in this and the career tech center with high tech, cause we knew we couldn't just focus
Rashida Tlaib. The congresswoman let me tell you this is just the begin- high skills preparation,” said WD- on traditional acts of higher educa-
brought Wayne-Westland schools ning,” said United States Representa- FCTC Principal JaCinda Sumara. tion for job access,” said Representa-
and SEMCA to the table and encour- tive Rashida Tlaib at the Partnership Sumara explained that career tive Tlaib. “It’s not always going to
aged us to think big and to create an Ceremony. readiness rests on four question re- get that bachelor degree or even get-
intensive career learning opportunity The funding will allow for a work- lated pillars: 1) What do you know? ting your degree at community col-
for the students,” said Gregory Pito- based learning program to be devel- 2) What do you like? 3) Who do you lege. It’s sometimes getting those
niak, SEMCA Chief Executive Officer. oped that includes paid internships know? And 4) Will someone pay me hands in there, to use what they al-
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and job shadowing. Students 14 to do that? ready know and build on that. And
visited the William D. Ford Career- years and up will develop necessary “When kids graduate, we want that sometimes is what is most in-
Technical Center (WDFCTC) for the soft skills and acquire appropriate them to graduate with more than spiring for our young people. So, the
partnership ceremony between clothing for interviews. high school credit. We want them to fact that we're going to be able to
SEMCA and the Wayne-Westland “Our kids need experience and to have college credit, industry certifica- help 300 students, I’m ecstatic.”
The Wayne Dispatch · May 2022 · 9