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A STEP in the Right Direction

          How Services to Enhance Potential helps provide a pathway to success for those with disabilities

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                        STEP assists numerous employ-
             Here’s an undeniable fact of life:                                                                   ers in finding qualified, dependable
             No  matter  what  you  see  on  the                                                                  employees for over thirty years. In
          surface, there is often more to the                                                                     short, STEP has been routinely suc-
          story.                                                                                                  cessful in matching those with dis-
             Whether it’s the dutiful employee                                                                    abilities with compatible workplaces
          who, despite living out of her car, ar-                                                                 to  create  productive  relationships.
          rives to work day in and day out with                                                                   STEP’s staffing options include pro-
          a  jovial  disposition,  or  the  under-                                                                viding an individual hire, industrial
          stated gentleman who frequents the                                                                      subcontracting, and securing a self-
          local diner every morning to take ad-                                                                   employed  individual  to  provide
          vantage of the senior special despite                                                                   goods  or  services  to  a  business.
          being a millionaire, the crux of the                                                                    Through the years, STEP’s corporate
          lesson remains the same.                                                                                partners  have  included  such  es-
             You simply can’t judge a book by                                                                     teemed companies as Kroger, Detroit
          its cover.                                                                                              Zoo,  McDonald’s,  Little  Caesars
             Organizations  are  no  different,                                                                   Arena,  Meijer,  Target,  The  Henry
          particularly those that serve individ-                                                                  Ford, Applebee’s, American House,
          uals with significant disabilities or                                                                   and many more.
          cognitive issues. As the CEO of STEP                                                                       Now, let’s shift gears and focus on
          (Services  to  Enhance  Potential),                                                                     art.
          Brent Mikulski is acutely aware of                                                                         STEP’s  Progressive  Art  Studio
          this, and bears witness to it daily.                                                                    Collective is the first of its kind in
             “We  help  individuals—wherever                                                                      Wayne  County.  It  provides  artists
          they live—to be a part of their com-                                                                    with disabilities a safe space to find
          munity, to be accepted, and to be as                                                                    their voice and bring their visions to
          independent as they possibly can,”                                                                      life by way of providing a bevy of ma-
          says Mikulski.                                                                                          terials, workshops, and gallery exhi-
             Founded  back  in  1972,  STEP’s  At last month’s Wayne City Council Meeting, the Chief Executive Officer and Presi-  bitions. There are three art studio
          primary focus was—and remains—     dent, Brent Mikulski, of Services to Enhance Potential (STEP), was presented with  locations, the closest to Wayne is the
          securing compatible employment op-  a resolution congratulating the organization on their 50th anniversary by Mayor John  one on Venoy, just south of Cherry
          tions for the nearly 1,300 persons                                                                      Hill  in  Westland,  in  what  was  for-
          with  disabilities  and  other  mental  Rhaesa.                                                         merly  known  as  Tinkham  school.
          health needs in Wayne County. The  centers. The Wayne location opened   “They’re working at a front desk,  And it was just what the doctor or-
          non-profit  organization  aims  to  in-  in June of 2007, Southgate in 2011,  they’re  working  in  finance  or  ac-  dered.
          crease the number of persons who   and Dearborn in 2016. These stores  counting, or security,” says Mikulski.  “It  has  30-plus  classrooms,  a
          are  employed,  self-employed,  and  present an ideal opportunity to train  “They  do  about  two  or  three  rota-  large gym, several meeting rooms—
          volunteer in communities.          and employ individuals with develop-  tions, depending on the work site.”   the exact setting that we felt those
             That’s no small undertaking.    mental and mental disabilities. Here,  And when these students gradu-  that we serve—and our employees—
             But STEP has continued to face  these individuals can hone their re-  ate in June, they have more than just  were  going  to  do  some  pretty  cool
          the challenge head-on and rise to the  tail skills with the ultimate objective  experience—they have a resume to  things in,” says Mikulski. “And the
          occasion. This is largely due to the  of finding employers who are sympa-  match.                       community  has  just  loved  us.  We
          four  services  the  organization  pro-  thetic to their needs and are also will-  “I always say this to people: When  have an annual drive-in movie car
          vides: Supported employment serv-  ing  to  help  further  develop  their  you meet someone for the very first  show  that  folks  can  attend.  It  has
          ices, transition services, engagement  skills.                        time,  your  first  question  is  What’s  just been wonderful and really rein-
          in the community, and programming.    A transitional program that aids  your name? And pretty much your  forces  why  getting  into  that  center
             And  nowhere  are  these  pillars  with this is Project SEARCH, which  second,  third,  or  fourth  question  was a great idea.”
          more accurately personified than at  assists high schoolers to obtain em-  down the line is What do you do for  Approximately  20  artists  cur-
          STEP’s thrift store on Michigan Av-  ployment  following  graduation.  In-  a living? And if you have individuals  rently participate at the Tinkham lo-
          enue in downtown Wayne.            stead of spending their senior year in  who can’t answer that question—or  cation every day. At its core, it’s an
             What  many  shoppers  who  fre-  a traditional classroom setting, Proj-  who  aren’t  proud  to  answer  that  art  education  model  that  fosters
          quent  this  store  may  not  know  is  ect  SEARCH  partners  with  a  high  question—it takes a whole different  communal  work  to  achieve  inde-
          that the benefit of frequenting this  school as well as a local business—  turn  for  that  conversation,”  says  pendence.  And  artists  can  make
          shop is threefold: One finds incredi-  typically, a large employer—so that  Mikulski. “But when that individual  money by selling their work. Mikul-
          ble deals on unique items, supports  the participating students spend that  can answer that question and see the  ski says that roughly 50 pieces of art-
          a local business, and infuses store in-  year in a classroom at the host site.  pride  in  their  faces  when  they  re-  work have sold for somewhere in the
          terns with the invaluable worth of in-  While  the  first  half  of  the  year  is  spond, it has been an absolute joy to  neighborhood of $300—sometimes
          dependence and self-confidence.    spent  in  the  host  site’s  classroom,  be a part of.”             more. Each artist retains sixty per-
             STEP operates three thrift stores,  the student spends the second half  This is where STEP’s many cor-
          in fact, which also house donation  interning at the host site.       porate partners come into play.                    See STEP, page 4
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2022 · 3
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