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Wayne Historical museum            in October at the library’s circulation  rides and much more!        or  know  someone  who  does?  The
          digitizing picture catalog         desk.                                Dec. 17 – Christmas Tea Party   Notre Dame Hall is seeking one to be
             The Wayne Historical Museum re-                                      2 - 4 p.m. – Join us for a highly  used as a Selfie Station during the
                                                DIA Behind the Seen: Van Gogh
          cently  purchased  new  digital  cata-  in America Wednesday, November 30  themed Christmas tea party in the-  Wayne Open Air Christmas Market
                                                                                                                  November  18-20.  Please  contact
                                                                                museum, catered by Victoria’s Tea
          loging software. Catalogit will allow  - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. -  Join a volunteer  Salon. Tickets are $40 and must be if you can help.
          museum staff to digitize and make  from the Detroit Institute of Arts to  purchased in advance in person or
          searchable all of the photos, docu-  experience  Van  Gogh  works  from  online.                           An Autumn Tea – Saturday, Octo-
          ments  and  objects.  It  will  also  be  around the world and discover the                             ber 8 – 3:00 p.m. – Attend an after-
          searchable and accessible from your  fascinating story of America’s intro- Upcoming Events at           noon  tea  hosted  by  Victoria’s  Tea
          own home. Since November, the mu-  duction to this iconic artist.                                       Salon. This 2nd annual Autumn Tea
          seum  has  been  digitizing  pictures,                                the Knights of Columbus           will benefit Coats for Kids. Tickets
          slides, negatives and VHS tapes and                                     Learn to Line Dance!  There will  are  $30  and  can  be  purchased  at
          has over 10,000 images scanned so  Upcoming events with the           be a free Hoedown on Sunday, Octo-
          far. If you are interested in helping  Wayne Historical Society       ber  9  from  5:00  p.m.-10:00  p.m.
          with  the  input  of  pictures,  contact  Nov. 10 – Firehouse Museum Lec-  This family-friendly event is open to  Take off pounds sensibly
          Tyler at the museum.               ture                               the  public.  You  can  learn  to  line  The Welcome mat is out at TOPS.
                                                7  p.m.  –  Join  us  for  a  lecture  dance with free line dancing demon-  Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a non-
          Upcoming Events at                 about  the  Michigan  Firehouse  Mu-  strations. There will be a dog contest  profit  international  organization
          the Wayne library                  seum and some general fire depart-  (best dressed, cutest, best trick), a  known simply as TOPS. It is a sup-
             Fundraising  Harvest  Tea  Satur-  ment related history.           bounce house for the kids, a men’s  port group that encourages a posi-
          day, November 19 - 1-3 p.m. -  Sup-   Dec. 2 (Friday) – Holiday Night  legs contest, 50/50 and more. Live  tive attitude while losing weight with
          port the Friends of the Library and  at the Museum                    music outdoors will be provided by  focus  on  improvement  not  perfec-
          enjoy a lovely afternoon tea. Sip your  5:30-9 p.m. – Join us as we bring  Yankeeville.  Bring  your  own  lawn  tion.  Weekly  weigh-ins  are  private
          favorite  tea,  enjoy  some  bite-sized  in the holiday season in front of the  chair. Food and drinks will be avail-  and the scale goes up to 500 pounds.
          treats, chat with friends, and maybe  museum  for  the  annual  Holiday  able for purchase.             There is a brief business meeting fol-
          even win a raffle basket. Tickets are  Night. There will be ice carving, hot                            lowed by a program to motivate and
          $40 each and will be on sale starting  chocolate, cookies, Santa, carriage  Do you own a red vintage truck  inspire losses each week.

          6 · November 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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