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STEP, Continued from page 3 years ago,” says Mikulski.
“Young adults that are entering
cent of the sale, while forty percent our program for the first time want
goes back to the studio. cool things that weren’t cool 20 years
STEP embodies what it means to ago. With technology, social media,
give back to the community, while and all the other things, we have to
paying it forward at the same time. adapt our program to meet the
And the organization’s values are a needs of who we’re serving. I see us
huge part of the secret sauce. Among continuing to do that, and our staff
them are respect for all individuals, is ready.”
integrity in every transaction, compe- STEP’s mission is to support in-
tency in each task, and striving for dividuals in the pursuit of their cho-
excellence. sen goals and the achievement of
And this year STEP hits a high personal satisfaction in their lives.
mark—its 50th anniversary of doing And it's a task that invites the com-
good and making a difference. Right- munity to join in any way possible.
fully, the organization has been cele- Says Mikulski. “Those who elect
brating all year long. STEP Thrift Store is celebrating 15 years in Downtown Wayne. STEP also celebrated to donate, I think, can see [where the
Says Mikulski, “We had a celebra- a million dollars in sales between their three Thrift Store locations. money goes]. We welcome folks to get
tory dance in March for those that successful. We choose October for want to make sure our programming a closer look at what we do as an or-
we serve to, again, recognize their this event because October is Na- continuously adapts to what we need ganization, whether it’s in the thrift
role in our success; we had a fiftieth tional Disability Employment Aware- to do to get folks engaged back into stores or some of our other forward-
anniversary reunion—a day of fun— ness month (NDEAM). their communities—in the most effi- facing programs. You will really see
at the Tinkham location in July for With fifty years in the rearview cient way possible. We want folks what those contributions mean for
our current and retired staff and old mirror and a lifetime ahead, what, who look for our service to be able those we serve.”
board members; in September we now, is in store for STEP? to find our service.” To inquire about volunteer or
had a 5K run/walk [5K for 5 “We’re at levels of about eighty Looking long term, however, partnership opportunities at STEP,
Decades] in Dearborn. And our percent pre-pandemic,” says Mikul- Mikulski says STEPs focus has expe- call (313) 278-3040. Additionally,
biggest event, our sixth annual ski. “Our immediate plans are to rienced a shift. one can view and purchase STEP’s
STEPS to Success, was held in late make sure that our services continue “The expectations and the inter- Progressive Art Studio Collective art-
October. It’s an evening to officially to address the needs of those that ests of those we serve look dramati- work by visiting
recognize those that made the year were impacted by this pandemic. We cally different than we saw 10 or 15 and clicking the “shop” link.
4 · November 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch