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Crystals and mystics and magic, oh my!

          Tiffany Walker, owner of Moonlit Mystic, has created an intriguing oasis in downtown Wayne

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     Vanessa [Ronthi] is involved in the
             It’s not a store.                                                                                    business  with  me,  and  we  were
             It’s more like a destination, a well-                                                                asked to be the market managers—
          spring,  an  experience  in  energetic                                                                  and we were referred to by Kim from
          healing. Or, as one might say, a literal                                                                Helium  Studios,  whom  I’ve  always
          gem.                                                                                                    been inspired by. And through the
             Moonlit Mystic, an edgy and eclec-                                                                   Wayne Makers Market, we were able
          tic metaphysical store, is unlike any-                                                                  to obtain a presence in our commu-
          thing that exists here in the City of                                                                   nity,  interact  with  people,  and  see
          Wayne—and  owner  Tiffany  Walker                                                                       their excitement about our product
          designed it that way.                                                                                   and what we could offer. It was really
             “We really want to create a com-                                                                     an inspiration to take a leap of faith
          munity  that  welcomes  all,”  says                                                                     and  open  a  brick  and  mortar  in
          Walker, 38. “We want people to come                                                                     Wayne. I’ve said that if I was going to
          to us to be comforted, we want them                                                                     open a store and take this big, huge
          to come to us with their curiosities                                                                    risk, I wasn’t going to do it anywhere
          and questions, I want them to come                                                                      but  in  my  city.  So,  an  opportunity
          to us with their vulnerabilities—and                                                                    came  for  a  location,  and  I  took  a
          that’s what they do.”                                                                                   chance on it.
             Inside what Walker has character-                                                                       CC: When did you officially open
          ized as a “world of wonder,” patrons                                                                    Moonlit Mystic?
          will find an endless array of items                                                                        TW:  Friday,  May  13,  2022…a
          that  many  believe—no,  are  con-                                                                      good omen.
          vinced—will improve their quality of                                                                       CC: There are people who haven’t
          life. Most notable among these items                                                                    had any experiences with crystals–
          are crystals.                                                                                           and may not even be aware of their
             ‘Crystals’  describes  a  group  of                                                                  properties and benefits. Explain why
          minerals or fossilized resins that are                                                                  the practice of collecting crystals–or
          believed by many to have beneficial                                                                     how  just  simply  learning  about
          health properties. The mere act of                                                                      them–can be therapeutic and healing.
          simply holding them in your hand or                                                                        TW: So many people believe so
          keeping  them  on  your  person  is                                                                     many different things, and what I be-
          thought to promote spiritual, mental,                           Tiffany Walker and her cousin Vanessa Ronthi.  lieve  may  be  completely  different
          and  physical  healing.  Additionally,  and all these interesting things we  and have been raising my children  than why somebody else uses crys-
          crystals are also thought to interact  can’t explain. I love questioning the  here, and my family had been a part  tals. There is not one right reason
          with  the  body’s  energy  field,  also  big questions of the universe. I’ve al-  of  this  community  for  a  long  time  why someone might use crystals for
          known as chakras.                  ways been drawn to explore all differ-  when I came to live with them. So, I  healing. A very simple, nonscientific
             But that’s not all one will find be-  ent theories—and paths.      love  this  community,  and  this  is  way of conveying this is that crystals
          hind Moonlit Mystic’s doors: Patrons  CC:  Tell  me  about  your  back-  where I choose to raise my family. I  can be a representation of an inten-
          will find jewelry, books, crystal carv-  ground. What did you do profession-  love it here.             tion. And the more focused your in-
          ings, and much, much more.         ally prior to this?                  CC: Before we delve into Moonlit  tention, the more likely you are to
             “We’re  the  closest  metaphysical  TW: I’ve done a lot of things in my  Mystics, talk about your involvement  manifest the life that you want. Crys-
          store to Detroit Metro Airport, and  life…my first job was a waitress, but  in the city’s first ever Makers Market  tals  are  a  beautiful  gift  from  this
          people  have  literally  gotten  off  the  more  recently  I  was  a  proud  PTO  in  downtown  Wayne  [on  Michigan  earth, and they do carry an energy,
          plane, googled crystal shop, and will  mom  for  many  years,  and  I  ab-  Ave, across from Chase bank]. The  and some people use them as a tool
          come  straight  to  us,”  says  Walker.  solutely loved working with the kids  benefit  of  this  unprecedented  ven-  to manifest.
          “We’ve created a different sort of at-  in our community—it gave my life so  ture is two-fold: It gives patrons a  CC: I have long believed that cer-
          mosphere and vibe, a safe space for  much  meaning,  and  I  was  grateful  unique shopping experience, while  tain forms of healing are indeed inex-
          people. We like to have fun and con-  for the opportunity to do that. Then,  also giving artisans the platform to  plicable by modern science. However,
          nect with our customers.”          I worked for a nonprofit for criminal  showcase  their  creations  and  con-  in the interest of transparent journal-
             The  Wayne  Dispatch  caught  up  justice  reform—and  still  do,  actu-  nect with future customers. Did that  ism,  I  must  acknowledge  that  not
          with  Walker  to  discuss  how  she  ally—and I work to help advance leg-  endeavor  eventually  lead  you  to  everyone agrees: Peter Heaney, a min-
          hopes her business will serve others.  islation in support of families that  where you are today business-wise?   eral sciences professor at Pennsylva-
             Courtney  Conover: Thank  you   are impacted by incarceration.       TW:  In  November  2021  we  got  nia  State  University,  told  The
          for your time today. Have you always  CC: And you’re a Wayne resident,  the opportunity to join the Makers  Washington  Post  in  2021  that  he’s
          had a fascination with crystals, mys-  too!  How  long  have  you  lived  here  Market,  which  was  created  by  the  "not aware of any [National Science
          ticism,  and  the  like?  What  do  you  and where did you attend school?  Wayne Downtown Development Au-  Foundation]-supported studies into
          think sparked your interest?          TW: I moved here as a teenager—  thority as a business incubator for  the healing powers of crystals." How
             Tiffany  Walker: I  have  always  when I was 16—and have been here  small businesses within our commu-
          had an interest in paranormal, tarot,  ever since. I went to Wayne Memorial  nity to test the market. My cousin      See Crystals, page 4
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · October 2022 · 3
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