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Crystals, Continued from page 3                                       can retrieve it at a convenient time—  work  with  my  cousin  Vanessa,  my
                                                                                and we’ll send a reminder one day  partner, Ryan, is amazing—he helps
          would you respectfully beg to differ?                                 before we cancel the order and re-  with  everything  and  is  my  biggest
             TW:  This  is  really  the  very                                   stock merchandise.                supporter. My kids—my son and my
          essence of the Moonlit Mystic. Mysti-                                   CC:  Moonlit  Mystic  also  hosts  daughter—are also up at the store
          cism is contemplating and exploring                                   tarot readers. Among them is Rain-  working with us. They are the reason
          concepts  of  things  that  cannot  be                                bow Liz, who has quite the follow-  why I boldly pursue my dreams. And
          seen or explained. The notion that                                    ing…                              they’re  the  ones  who  give  me  the
          something can be real—even though                                       TW:  Yes,  we  do  tarot  readings  strength to do it, too.
          you  cannot  see  it,  such  as  God.  A                              about twice a month, and the rates   CC:  Where  do  you  see  your-
          Christian  is  a  mystic,  in  a  way.                                vary depending on the reader. The  self/Moonlit  Mystics  in  five  or  10
          They’re  exploring  a  concept  that                                  cost is generally $25 and up. I en-  years?
          there is no real, necessary, concrete                                 courage people to check out our up-  TW: I see the dream continue to
          proof or evidence, but you believe be-                                coming  events  on  our  website,  evolve; I see the community continue
          cause  of  what  you  feel  inside,  be-                                    to  evolve.  I  just  hope  that  we  con-
          cause of what makes sense to you                                        CC: You’ve got a cool, free event  tinue to grow, to do more events, and
          because there’s something that tells                   Moonlit Mystic  coming up on Saturday, October 22,  to  connect  with  more  people—to
          you that this is the right path. And  Sundays  at  6:30  p.m.  EST,  and  2022,  from  12  p.m.  until  6  p.m.  help  heal  more  people.  I  feel  like
          this speaks to what I meant when I  that’s  where  we  can  expand  to  an  called Witches Be Witchin’. Tell me  now—more than ever—people need
          said that I want to create a commu-  even greater community outside of  more about it…                  spirituality  and  healing  more  than
          nity that welcomes all: I want people  our own. We show our new inventory,  TW:  It’s  a  witchy-themed  Hal-  ever. I think no matter what path you
          from  all  paths  to  be  able  to  come  we do sales and giveaways, and it’s a  loween event, and we’re going to host  choose, the common denominator is
          into our space and contemplate any  time  when  we  can  connect  to  our  artists and vendors in the back park-  always love. That’s what we should
          of these great, big things—no matter  community in a fun way. We love it.  ing space behind our location. We’re  always aspire to. And that’s what we
          what you believe. There is no right or  And we’ll be expanding to TikTok in  really excited, and we want to wel-  hope to give.
          wrong answer. We’re sharing a space  the near future.                 come the community to come, we’re    Moonlit Mystic is located at 3019
          together that is sacred and allows for  CC: How does your “Shop online,  encouraging costumes, and it’s going  S. Wayne Road and can be reached
          exploration.                       and pick up in store” feature work?  to be so much fun!              by  phone  at  (734)  725-3055.  Visit
             CC:  Tell  me  about  the  Moonlit  TW: It allows patrons to save on  CC: Tell me about your family. Do  them  online  at
          Mystic Live Show.                  shipping  fees  and  avoid  shipping  they play a part in your business?  and  on  Facebook  (search  Moonlit
             TW: My cousin Vanessa and I do  time. We’ll keep a purchased order   TW: My family is the most impor-  Mystic LLC) where they host a live
          a weekly live show on Facebook on  for several days so that customers  tant part of my business. As I said, I  show every Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

          4 · October 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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