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          Wayne Police give Taft-Galloway fifth grader a birthday wish

             Wayne  resident  Trisha  Custer                                                                      round of radiation therapy. “In May
          awoke  the  morning  of  Thursday,                                                                      she did radiation everyday—Monday
          September 22, 2022, with a secret.                                                                      through Friday—every day for four
             It  was  her  daughter  Abbigail’s                                                                   weeks,” recalled Custer. “She basi-
          eleventh birthday, and the Wayne Po-                                                                    cally missed the whole last month of
          lice Department was mere moments                                                                        school.”
          away  from  making  one  of  Abbi’s                                                                        Her  birthday,  however,  was  a
          biggest dreams come true.                                                                               good day for Abbi, who counts play-
             Nowadays,  it  is  not  uncommon                                                                     ing  with  slime,  eating  Flamin’  Hot
          for a video game or an electronic de-                                                                   Cheetos, and binge-watching the tel-
          vice to top a youngster’s list for most                                                                 evision series Gilmore Girls as a few
          requested  birthday  gift.  But  Abbi,                                                                  of her favorite things.
          who attends Taft-Galloway Elemen-                                                                          When asked where and how her
          tary in Wayne, was after something                                                                      daughter finds the strength to perse-
          entirely  different.  She  wanted  a                                                                    vere, Custer said she didn’t have the
          unique—and  very  specific—experi-                                                                      answer.
          ence.                                                                                                      “I would love to know,” she said.
             And,  frankly,  after  everything                                                                    “She never really let any of this [get
          Abbi had been through in the past                                                                       her down]. She’d be miserable, but
          year,  she  rightfully  deserved  it:  In                                                               she’s  worried  about  everyone  else.
          early January, Abbi was diagnosed                                                                       She even shaved her own head be-
          with  stage  2  rhabdomyosarcoma                                                                        cause  she  didn’t  want  to  lose  her
          (RMS),  a  rare  form  of  cancer  that                                                                 hair. She has been one step ahead of
          forms  in  soft  tissue,  specifically
          skeletal muscle tissue. According to       Sergeant Talmadge and Abbi in front of Taft-Galloway Elemetary School.   See Birthday, page 19
          Mayo Clinic, RMS can occur at any  driveway  on  that  crisp,  autumn
          age,  but  it  most  often  affects  chil-  morning.  And  with  sirens  blaring
          dren.                              and the lightbar flashing, Abbi was
             “Abbi  has  been  telling  me  for  a  delivered  to  her  school’s  main  en-
          few years now that she wants to be a  trance as staff, students, and family
          cop,” said Custer, 31. “And a couple  members applauded her arrival.
          months  ago,  I  started  asking  her  “I was shocked,” exclaimed Abbi,
          what  she  wanted  for  her  birthday  looking  back  on  her  completely
          and  if  there  was  anything  big  she  unanticipated school drop-off. After
          wanted to do, and she said that the  looking around inside the car, it hit
          only thing she truly wanted was to  her. “Like…I’m in a cop car! I can’t
          get a tour of a police station.”   explain it. It was really exciting.”
             The  revelation  sounded  simple   It  was  a  great  day  for  Abbi  all
          enough to Custer. “I thought that was  around, but it arrived on the heels of
          the most random thing a child could  some not-so-great ones.
          ask  for  her  birthday…but,  okay,”  In  late  December  2021,  a  few
          Custer explained.                  days  after  Christmas,  to  be  exact,
             Over the summer, Custer put feel-  Abbi went in for what was supposed
          ers  out  on  the  school’s  Facebook  to be a relatively routine surgery—
          page and inquired whether anyone   she had her tonsils and adenoids re-
          could help or if they knew any police  moved,  and  they  were  biopsied
          officers that could better direct her.   afterward.
             What happened next really set the  “The  doctors  recommended  re-
          wheels  in  motion:  Taft-Galloway’s  moval  because  her  adenoids  were
          secretary, Kitty Monit, reached out to  causing sleep apnea, but we didn’t
          Wayne  Mayor  John  Rhaesa,  who   know it was cancer,” said Custer. “We
          then  brought  the  request  to  the  thought she was going in to have this
          Wayne Police Department.           surgery during Christmas break, she
             Meanwhile,  Abbi  was  none  the  would  miss  two  or  three  days  of
          wiser. Although it was her birthday,  school, and then she’d be back. But
          it was still a school day, so Abbi as-  instead of going back to school, we
          sumed it would begin like all others.  started going to oncology.”
             That  was,  until  Sergeant  Tal-  Nine months of chemotherapy fol-
          madge’s squad car arrived in Abbi’s  lowed.  There  was  also  a  lengthy
          8 · October 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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