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Listen carefully. Do you hear it?
Mindful Moment need to get past the ‘Why me?’, ‘But I
Donna McEachern (Blanchard) By Courtney Conover don't want to!’, and ‘It isn't fair!’ and
figure out what our fears or worries
It’s the sound of change happening
was born on Oc- member and served as first female all around us. are.” And that’s a process that takes
tober 30, 1941 president from 1992-93. She was It’s the sound of school buses work—and may even involve therapy.
in Parry Sound, also involved in the Wayne Business pulling up the curb, alarm clocks “You don't have to be a victim, even
Ontario, Canada. & Professional Women, Wayne Gar- blaring far earlier than we’d like, when you are not in control of the
She passed away den Club, Wayne 100 Club, Salvation and, in some instances, it’s the si- change,” says Babers.
on August 17, Army Board, YWCA Board, co-chair lence that inhabits the space where Figure out when to accept and
2022 at the age of the Kim Loveless Project, mem- noise once lived. when to reject the change. Babers
of 80 in Monroe, ber of the Paul Franks Furniture It’s the sound of September. And references the well known Serenity
Michigan. Fundraising Board, and many other even if you live in a childless house- Prayer for this one. (Google it if you
Donna mar- organizations within the Wayne com- hold, it’s likely that something with need a refresher.) Babers says that
ried the love of munity. Donna was a leader within regard to your schedule or life has— we need to reflect on what we’re ac-
her life, Barry McEachern on July 8, the city, but she also held a strong or will soon–change. cepting, what we’re rejecting, and
1960. Together they shared a life full faith throughout her life. She and And change can be a tricky thing. what we’re doing about it. She says
of love and happiness. They had two Barry were members of St. Mary Sometimes we rejoice about we’ll be amazed at how effective our
wonderful children, Donna Colleen Catholic Church in Wayne for many change; other times, though, change choices are.
and Barry D. She took great care of years. is an experience we welcome about Adopt an attitude of anticipation,
her family throughout the years and One of Donna's last wishes was to as much as the prospect of chewing and be grateful. Now, admittedly, this
spoiled all of them rotten. Her nur- have popcorn with her when her cre- glass. Simply put, change can be might seem like torture for the glass-
turing and caring nature led her to mation occurred so that "it would be hard no matter who we are or what half-empty folk. But Babers says
become passionate about the city EPIC!" we do. there really is virtue in welcoming
she lived in for years to come. Donna is survived by daughter, I recently came across the wis- change as an opportunity and find-
Donna was extremely well known Donna (E. Randall) Harder; son, dom of lifestyle consultant and coach ing the benefit—somewhere—in the
and loved by many in the City of Barry D. (Martha) McEachern; Terri Babers, and I feel like her change. There is always a benefit and
Wayne. Donna served as a council- granddaughter, Colleen (Brett) words are too apropos not to share: an opportunity. Start by keeping a
woman for 25 years, where she was Harder; grandson, Ian McEachern; “Whether you look forward to a written record for 3 days.
instrumental in the beautification and granddaughter, Meredith change or dread it, change triggers Choose your thoughts and atti-
and renewal of her beloved city. She McEachern. She is preceded in powerful effects in your body and tudes about each change. Negative
served as a liaison between multiple death by her loving husband, Barry your emotions (sometimes called thoughts block our creativity and
city boards such as the library McEachern, and parents, Kenneth "stress!"). [But] you can increase your problem-solving abilities, while pos-
board, the Nankin Transit board, Blanchard and Dorothy Blanchard. sense of control and steer your life itive ones build bridges to possibili-
beautification committee, and the The family would like to extend a into positive territory when you ties and opportunities. Here’s a
Downtown Development Authority, special thank you to friends and know how to deal with change.” simple rule of thumb: As soon as a
which she worked endlessly to estab- neighbors who were so kind and I’m no therapist or health expert, bad thought enters your conscious-
lish during her time as Wayne Cham- thoughtful and helpful. We would but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts ness, replace it with a good one. This
ber of Commerce Director. Donna also like to thank AccentCare Hos- that—for most of us—the part about takes practice, but it works.
held a "If there's a problem, I will pice and especially Dr. Karen Weaver our emotions is what breaks us Learn to relax (more). Deep
find the solution" mentality that who helped to make Donna's wish to down. Meaning, just the mere antici- breathing works for many people, ex-
made her a valued leader figure pass at home possible. pation of change can get our minds ercise can help for others. Choose
within the community. racing or our hearts pumping—and what works best for you. Relaxation
Donna was involved in numerous In lieu of flowers, the family sug- not in a good way. We’ve often de- makes change more tolerable.
civic organizations as well. She was gests memorial contributions to the cided we’re doomed before the Set smart goals so we can con-
a member of the Wayne Rotary Club, Wayne Rotary Club, IHM Sisters of change has even taken place. sciously guide the change. Smart
of which she was the first female Monroe, or the City of Wayne BPW. We need to stop this. Not only is goal setting helps us decide how to
this uncomfortable, it’s unhealthy. make the change happen and how to
Eleanore June (Ressler) Kosutich, According to Babers, who de- recognize our successes. Then,
scribes herself as a personal growth Babers says, we can write out our
age 95, passed grandchildren, Kathryn (Vashaw) junkie and flaming extrovert with in- goals and our plans to meet them.
away Friday, Au- Teacher, Linda (Vashaw) Hollon; troverted tendencies, this is what we (There are even apps to aid with
gust 19, 2022, at Debra (Vashaw) Sleeman, Michael should do instead: this.)
the home of her Kosutich, Jr., and Steve (Kosutich) Approach dealing with change as We essentially need to adjust how
daughter, Mary Ross. a process. Dealing with change is not we think about change. Heck, even if
Kay McCowan in Graveside services will be Mon- like a switch we turn on or off. we attempted one or two of Babers
M o r r i s t o w n . day, August 29, 2022, at 1:30 P.M. at Babers says it’s more like baking tips, we may be better off.
She was pre- Glenwood Cemetery in Wayne, Michi- bread. There are many steps and in- I know, I know. It’s not always the
ceded in death gan. gredients. Both baking bread and easiest thing to do.
by her husband, Arrangements by Stetzer-Bales dealing with change take time. But as my dad always told me:
Steve Kosutich; Funeral Home, Morristown, TN. Face our feelings about the “Nothing beats a failure but a try.”
son, Michael. Local arrangements by L.J. Griffin change. This is especially pertinent Courtney Conover is wife and
She is survived by her daughter, Funeral Home. when the change is imposed and be- mom of two who has called Wayne
Mary Kay (John D.) McCowan; yond our control. Says Babers, “We home since 1995.
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2022 · 13