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Rev. Bob and Michelle Cooper
First Congregational Church
welcomes Rev. Bob Cooper
By Sarah Shurge his life.
It’s a simple question, “Did you al- “My grandma made sure I went to
ways want to be a minister?” And church and learned bible verses,”
when it’s asked to a minister of over said Cooper.
20 years, you probably would expect Cooper’s grandma was a mission-
the answer to be “yes.” However, ary to Columbia, South America.
when Rev. Bob Cooper was asked She started her mission work in the
that question, his answer might sur- 1950s and went on a couple tours
prise you. for about 25 years, building schools
“Actually no,” said Rev. Cooper and churches there.
with a laugh. “I have always been Her love for mission trips eventu-
connected to church and have al- ally led to Cooper experiencing some
ways been a part of church since I of his own. Cooper went on two mis-
was 5 years old. It has always been a sion trips to Guatemala, Central
part of my life, but I didn't see myself America. He spent a couple of weeks
as a minister.” there in the mountains, building
There are many factors that led churches and preaching at dozens of
Cooper to switch from being a sales- small churches through an inter-
man to being a pastor at First Con- preter.
gregational Church of Wayne. “It’s amazing to connect with peo-
Cooper’s grandma, even though not
blood-related, had a huge impact on See Pastor, page 15
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2022 · 11