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Wayne Memorial welcomes new principal this year
By Sarah Shurge sleeve.
Every new school year brings a Gildersleeve’s passion for devel-
fresh start. New classes, new stu- oping relationships with students,
dents, new opportunities. However, staff, and the community shown
that is not the only thing new this up- through consistently during his inter-
coming year for Wayne Memorial. view process.
The Wayne Westland Community “We’re stronger together - our
Schools is pleased to announce Mr. staff, students, community. In these
Cory Gildersleeve as the new princi- times, with everything we’ve been
pal for Wayne Memorial High School. through and COVID, I’m looking for-
”I’m so pumped and honored to ward to building relationships here.
be here. I've heard so many great I can’t wait to continue to meet peo-
things about Wayne Memorial and ple and form this family,” said
the Wayne Pride that is here,” said Gildersleeve.
Gildersleeve. “People here have been Students returned to Wayne Me-
so fantastic and with open arms, morial on Monday, August 29th,
bringing me in and making me a however, Gildersleeve has been sup-
part of this family.” porting Wayne Memorial extracurric-
Gildersleeve has been in public ular activities since day one. He paid
education for 24 and a half years. He visits to the marching band during
first served as a teacher and a coach practice, football team, cross coun-
in Ann Arbor, then served as the try, and more.
principal at Ypsilanti High School “Being in a leadership position
since 2016. He has experience in Col- but still being able to be around the
lege and Career Readiness, Dual En- kids on a daily basis, it fills my
rollment, Early Middle College, bucket,” said Gildersleeve. “I’m look-
Restorative Practices, and Upward New principal at Wayne Memorial High School, Cory Gildersleeve ing forward to getting the school year
Bound. ars earning the best possible high walk away from us and grab that going.”
“I want to improve attendance, ac- school career we can give them, and diploma, they are ready for the next Welcome Gildersleeve to the
ademics, and attitude. I want schol- developing skill sets, so when they step in the journey,” said Gilder- Wayne High family!
14 · September 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch