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MONIT, Continued from page 3 Monits have three adult children and
eight grandchildren. There are
the new Taft-Galloway building. plenty of memories yet to be made.
“Kitty was just an all-around great But first comes the hard part: Ac-
person to work with,” he says. tually going through with retirement.
But February 28 will mark the Says Monit, “I hear people who
end of an era of sorts: That will be grumble, ‘Gee, I don’t want to go
Monit’s last day in her desk chair at back to school on Monday,’ [follow-
Taft-Galloway. Not that she’s running ing the recent two-week holiday
for the hills. In fact, it’s the opposite. break] and I’m like, ‘I’m looking for-
“I’m probably the only person in ward to it.’ But now I’m thinking:
the world not counting down until What am I going to do on March 1?”
my last day,” says Monit. “Just the It is likely that the folks at Taft-
other day, somebody asked me how Galloway Elementary will be ponder-
many days I have left, and I said, ‘No ing the same question. To say that
clue.’” Monit will be missed by her col-
Monit cites wanting to spend leagues and the approximately 430
more time with her husband of 45 students is a colossal understate-
years, former Wayne-Westland ment.
school board member and Wayne “I will not only miss her—working
City Councilman, Skip, as the lead- with her and seeing her, but the fam-
ing catalyst for her announcement to ilies, staff, and students—the com-
retire. “It’s time for us to do some munity—will, too, because she’s
stuff,” says Monit, who still charac- been such a pillar in this commu-
terizes herself as “just Barb and nity,” says Brandon Cox, who has
Dave’s daughter.” Monit has been a Kitty and Skip Monit served as the principal of Taft-Gal-
resident of Wayne all her life. in the coming years,” he says of the spected tenure. The Monits have a loway since 2018. “She’s put forth all
“It’s something we’ve talked con- woman he describes as his “other spot in Grass Lake, Michigan, where this effort selflessly–every sick child,
sistently about,” Skip seconds. “We half.” He goes on to credit his wife their camper stays, and the couple every Band-Aid needed, every little
want to make sure we can enjoy each for the diligence and passion she’s plans to enjoy it more often. Not that thing that needs to be typed up. She
other’s company as much as we can demonstrated during her well-re- the two will be alone, however: the deserves to be honored.”
4 · February 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch