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Flowers in the Mitten moved to Wayne
A florist experience you can’t find anywhere else
By Sarah Shurge ding, wedding flowers, or custom
Some things in life just seem pieces. The shop just needs a few
meant to be. For Rachel Botu, that is days in advance to create them.
owning a flower shop. Her shop - “When I’m shopping, I want to do
Flowers in the Mitten, formerly lo- a one-stop shop,” said Botu. “We
cated in Romulus, recently moved to were trying to figure out how to ex-
downtown Wayne. pand this, so that’s why we are so ex-
The business soft-opened at its cited to partner with the market. It
new location on Wednesday, Febru- worked out perfectly pairing with
ary 1st, and had a ribbon cutting cer- them.”
emony on Tuesday, February 7th. Botu hopes to bring the vendor
However, Botu’s journey to be- shows to downtown Wayne as well.
coming the business owner she is “I want to bring stuff to the com-
today had many twists and turns munity and grow,” said Botu. “There
along the way. are so many different activities going
Botu originally worked for her fa- on every month here, I want to get in-
ther in the trucking industry after volved and be a part of this great
she graduated high school. She con- community.”
tinued working there for 10 years. Botu and Paul have been married
During her maternity leave, her for seven years, they have a 14 year
husband, Paul, mentioned to her old daughter and 7 year old son.
that she should do something she “I need to give a huge thanks to
loved for work. He suggested some- my family. I would not be where I'm
thing with wedding planning, bring- Rachel Botu, owner of Flowers in the Mitten. at without their support,” said Botu.
ing up the fact that she did the “Every holiday, my brother and sister
flowers for their wedding and loved Eventually, unfortunately, Flow- ers Market is closing, a great way to take the day off to help. My mom al-
it. ers in the Mitten didn’t receive the keep that going is to enter a partner- ways helps. Even my 83 year old
A random day after that, Botu traffic flow it needed. With no sup- ship where the tenant keeps the grandpa was here to help me open
walked into a flower shop and the port from the city, Botu had to make makers inside their building. this new location.”
owner’s daughter offered Botu a job a tough decision: either close its “I’m really grateful that we [the Flowers in the Mitten opened at
if she completed floral design doors or move. DDA] have this opportunity with the ideal time right before Valentine’s
classes. Botu signed up for classes One of our vendors from the Botu and the investment and com- Day.
that very night and ended up work- show that does custom tumblers has mitment she’s making,” said Gouin. “For Valentine’s, we have one-of-a-
ing in that exact flower shop for a a husband that is a DTW employee. “And the potential to cultivate an- kind designs that other florists won't
year and a half. Botu proceeded to They heard Botu mention she was other permanent storefront business have,” said Botu. “We planned to
win a scholarship and traveled to looking for a new location for her within 12 months.” bring out new designs coming into
Texas for a week to learn how to run business, so he reached out to Lori Flowers in the Mitten was de- the new shop. Everyone can look on
a successful business. During that Gouin, Downtown Development Au- signed as a one-stop shop with cus- our website for deals or giveaways
week, Botu gained a passion and thority (DDA) Director. tomized items. Botu provides both for popular arrangements.”
started looking into the process of Gouin reached out to Botu imme- custom work and items you can buy Flowers in the Mitten is located at
how to open her own flower shop. diately. in store as well. 34852 W Michigan Ave in downtown
However, she almost didn’t open “According to the discussion You can purchase flower arrange- Wayne. It’s open Monday through Fri-
her shop because the week Botu was board and social media, the main ments, stuffed animals for flower day 10 a.m. through 6 p.m. and Sat-
signing her lease for her Romulus lo- thing we [the City of Wayne] need is arrangements, angels and lanterns urday 10 a.m. through 2 p.m.
cation, her father passed away. All of a florist and a bakery. We strive to fill with LED candles, garden decor, “Anything that the community
her family said they were behind her the missing pieces in the business sympathy stones, cement benches, wants to see, we are willing to do.
and supported her, so she pushed community and this is filling a miss- standing stones on an easel, and Painting, candle making, there is al-
the signing back a week. ing piece,” said Gouin. more. ways something for the community
Flowers in the Mitten was open in Within two weeks, Botu moved “Funeral pieces are a large part of to do,” said Botu. “We have classes at
downtown Romulus for three and a Flowers in the Mitten to Wayne. our flower sales and I really try to the shop that are open to the public
half years. “This was just God opening all specialize and add something to the or private.”
“I love doing what I’m doing and the doors for us to come over here,” flowers to represent your loved For more information about Flow-
it’s become such a passion,” said said Botu. “My big thing has always ones,” said Botu. “This is not some- ers in the Mitten, you can visit their
Botu. “The customers we have have been community and small busi- thing you see in an everyday flower website at or
become like family because we’re so nesses. I’m excited because already shop. We do it differently and do it call (734)992-8334. You can also
close to them.” we’ve seen such a huge welcoming right.” check out their Facebook page by
Botu started a vendor show in with the city and also to partner with Paul is a partner with the shop searching “Flowers in the Mitten” for
Romulus. The show had 20 vendors the Makers Market.” and does all the woodworking. You live videos, giveaways, and an-
to begin with, but now has 70. Gouin mentioned since the Mak- can order a custom sign for a wed- nouncements.
The Wayne Dispatch · February 2023 · 5