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Eloise to be transformed into a hotel, bar, and restaurant

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         haunted and paranormal tours are
             Michigan gained a new haunted                                                                        offered throughout the year.
          house when Eloise Asylum opened a                                                                          Jay Kays, Eloise Haunted Attrac-
          walkthrough immersive horror expe-                                                                      tion Operations Manager, explained
          rience in 2021. The 30,000-square-                                                                      that  much  of  Eloise  Asylum’s
          foot   state-of-the-art   haunted                                                                       haunted attraction was designed to
          experience opened Friday, October 1,                                                                    mimic the history that happened in
          2021.                                                                                                   the historic building.
             Then  Eloise  announced  its                                                                            In 1839, the Kay Beard Building
          newest addition, Escape the Asylum,                                                                     started  as  a  poor  house  and  farm
          a new escape room that opened Fri-                                                                      house. It eventually was developed
          day, May 13, 2022.                                                                                      into an asylum, sanitarium, and hos-
             Now Eloise is once again under-                                                                      pital. One of the other buildings still
          going some major changes.                                                                               standing on the property is the old
             Thanks  to  funding  from  The                                                                       commissary,  which  is  currently
          Michigan  Department  of  Environ-                                                                      being used as a shelter for families
          ment,  Great  Lakes  and  Energy                                                                        struggling with homelessness.
          (EGLE), the Eloise property will be                                                                        A portion of the proceeds from
          transformed  into  a  hotel,  restau-                                                                   ticket  sales  for  Eloise  Asylum’s
          rant/bar, and expanded haunted at-                                                                      haunted attraction were donated to
          traction  in  a  massive  $4  million                                                                   the homeless shelter on campus.
          renovation project.                                                                                        When  the  new  project  is  com-
             EGLE  will  provide  a  $695,000                                                                     pleted, the transformation will create
          brownfield grant to help remove sev-                                                                    several hundred jobs and a sizable
          eral  blighted  structures  from  the  City  of  Westland  teaming  up  with  ings over 902 acres.      boost in Eloise’s taxable value.
          grounds and clean up the petroleum-  30712 Michigan Avenue LLC to rede-  The Kay Beard Building is one of  Eloise is located at 30712 Michi-
          related contamination on the prop-  velop the historic site.          only five structures that remain of  gan Ave in Westland and is open se-
          erty.                                 At one point, the Eloise Hospital,  the complex and was used for Wayne  lect  dates  and  times.    For  more
             The brownfield grant is just a por-  Infirmary, and Sanatorium was the  County administration until it closed  information or to buy tickets, visit
          tion of Eloise’s overall $4 million ren-  largest  psychiatric  facility  in  the  in 2016. But its doors didn’t close of- or call (618) 719-
          ovation plan, which also includes the  United States, consisting of 78 build-  ficially.  The  building  is  said  to  be  5615.

          8 · February 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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