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Councilman Porter resigns from Wayne City Council

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            Porter not only battled with can-
             After  seven  and  a  half  years  of                                                                cer, but he also battled with making
          serving  the  community,  Mayor  Pro                                                                    a decision on whether or not to re-
          Tempore Tom Porter, resigned from                                                                       main on the council.
          his seat on City Council on Tuesday,                                                                       “My  wife  is  my  rock.  She  has
          June  20th.  Effective  Wednesday,                                                                      taken care of me for three years and
          June 21st, his resignation was final                                                                    when I was down, she kept me up.
          and official.                                                                                           She kept me on the council for as
             “I have put off this day as long as                                                                  long as I was,” said Porter. “I didn't
          I  possibly  could,”  said  Porter.  “I'm                                                               feel like my job was done yet, but I
          sorry I have to leave Council at this                                                                   felt like I couldn't serve like I needed
          time,  but  my  health  says  I  cannot                                                                 to  anymore.  I  couldn't  concentrate
          serve you, my constituents, with the                                                                    on what I needed to do. I could only
          hard work you deserve from a mem-                                                                       concentrate on myself.”
          ber of council.”                                                                                           Realizing he needed to step away
             Council  members  had  nothing                                                                       to focus on his health, Porter made
          but kind words for Porter upon his                                                                      the difficult decision to resign from
          resignation  announcement  during                                                                       the  council.  The  council  members
          the council meeting on Tuesday and                                                                      and community showed nothing but
          they all supported the motion, but                                                                      support for his decision.
          with regret.                                                                                               “It makes me want to cry, to tell
             “Very sad to see you go but I un-                                                                    you the truth,” said Porter. “I’ve al-
          derstand.  Your  health  comes  first.                                                                  ways tried to the best of my ability to
          Your family comes first. And I know                                                                     do the best I could. Everyone is pray-
          this  is  not  a  decision  that  you’ve                                                                ing for me. It’s overwhelming.”
          made  lightly,”  said  Wayne  Mayor          Mayor Pro Tempore Tom Porter resigned from his seat on City Council.  A Facebook page was created to
          John Rhaesa at the council meeting.  Navy, Porter played a significant role  Porter  began  the  chemotherapy  share news of Porter’s health and up-
          “You’ve served this community with  in the City of Wayne Veterans’ Memo-  process  and  experienced  horrible  dates. You can find that on Facebook
          great pride and have been very sup-  rial project.                    side effects. One form of chemo low-  by searching “Team Porter.”
          portive and have always given your   “It’s where my wife and I chose to  ered his blood pressure. Another ir-  “My heart is always with the com-
          best through some really, really try-  live. We fell in love with the city and  ritated  his  skin  when  in  sunlight.  munity. I love our city and all of the
          ing times that we’ve been through.”  wanted to help and make it better if  Another left him in the hospital for  proud residents that make this their
             Porter joined the City Council in  I possibly could,” said Porter. “Bon-  16 days with a fever. After trying six  home.  No  matter  what  the  future
          November 2015.                     nie  and  I  made  this  our  home  33  different types of chemo, one finally  holds, I will love this city and its res-
             “I  went  to  quite  a  few  council  years  ago  and  have  done  what  we  worked and his lymphoma is in re-  idents  and  hold  you  close  to  my
          meetings for the first 15 years I lived  could to make this a good place to  mission.                   heart, forever,” said Porter. “Thank
          here in Wayne,” said Porter. “We did-  live and to raise a family. I wish we  “It’s just a huge struggle that any-  you for everything you all have done
          n't need the same people, we needed  could have done more, but it was not  one that has cancer has to face. It’s  while I was on City Council and a res-
          new  people  and  a  new  outlook.  because we didn't try.”           [lymphoma] a cancer that you don't  ident of this city. I’m here to help the
          That's exactly what we got. The cur-  In  2020,  Porter  was  diagnosed  really look that bad, so no one under-  city, that's my main objective.”
          rent administration has done a great  with  stage  4  lymphoma  cancer  stands how much pain you have or   On behalf of the City Council, City
          job and the council has tried to keep  throughout his entire body including  how bad you feel,” said Porter. “It’s  Administration, and the entire com-
          the finances under control.”       his lungs, liver, stomach, and neck.  been a difficult struggle but I refuse  munity, we want to express our sin-
             Finances were a huge part of why  After receiving an echocardiogram,  to give up. I’ll be 80 years old in a  cerest  gratitude  to  Mayor  Pro
          Porter joined the council, however,  he was also informed that his heart  couple of days. You can fight this no  Tempore Tom Porter for his excep-
          being a Veteran of the United States  was not functioning properly.   matter what.”                     tional service.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2023 · 13
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