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Early car makers in Wayne

             There were cars made in Wayne
          before Ford? Yes! The first was made
          by a man named Charles Collier, a
          Civil  War  veteran,  he  moved  to
          Wayne around 1900 and opened a bi-
          cycle  repair  shop  at  the  corner  of
          Brush and Newberry. Known as a tin-
          kerer, Collier put bicycle tires on a
          buggy body and made a two- cylin-
          der gas engine from scratch. It was  tory and added an additional 1.2 mil-
          the  first  car  in  town  and  caused  lion square feet of factory space. Har-
          much amazement, and it is said he  roun  managed  to  raise  the  capital
          "ran around in it for years".      and began production, making a few
             Next, in 1910 a Company named   thousand  cars  before  WWI  forced
          Swift Automobiles came to town and  them to stop and switch to artillery
          built a large two-story factory build-  shells. After the war they tried to go
          ing on Clinton Street. They planned  back  to  cars  but  struggled  and
          on making 5,000 cars per month, if  closed in 1920. One and a half Har-  Detroit Air Cooled Car - Made in Wayne. Photo courtesy of the Wayne Historical Museum
          they could raise the stock. One sam-  roun cars are known to exist today.  cars have surfaced other than a few  company in Detroit. Eventually Paige
          ple  car  was  made  and  displayed   In 1923 the abandoned Swift fac-  pictures.  The  factory,  abandoned  bought the factory, then merged with
          around  town,  but  the  stock  was  tory was bought by the Detroit Air  and full of the car company's blue-  Graham  to  become  Graham-Paige
          never fully sold so production never  Cooled  Car  company,  which  was  prints, designs and tooling, burned  Motors. The model 610 was made
          started, and the company was done  going to make a unique lightweight  down a few years later.          exclusively  at  the  Wayne  plant,  as
          by 1912.                           six-cylinder  car  in  three  different  In 1924 the abandoned Harroun  well  as  bodies  for  other  Graham-
             The next company was Harroun,   models.  Some  cars  were  actually  plant was bought by Gotfredson, an  Paige models. They survived the de-
          named for Ray Harroun, the winner  made, orders were placed, and deal-  auto  body  maker  and  upholsterer.  pression  but  sales  were  slow,  and
          of  the  first  Indy-500.  He  came  to  ers  were  lined  up,  but  again  not  They would use the factory to make  the  Wayne  plant  closed  in  1936.
          Wayne  in  1916  and  bought  the  enough stock was sold and the com-  heavy duty trucks as well as bodies  Wayne was without a car maker until
          closed Prouty and Glass Carriage fac-  pany folded within a year. No known  and upholstery for the Paige motor  Ford arrived in the 50s.

          14 · July 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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