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Returning back to the beginning

          Identical twins commemorated 50 years of owning matching cars with photoshoot

          By Sarah Shurge
             The year was 1972. Two identical
          twins purchased two Ford Gran Tori-
          nos  from  Jack  Demmer  Ford  in
          Wayne. Their vehicle’s VIN numbers
          only  one  number  apart.  Flash  for-
          ward to the year 2022, those same
          identical twins had a 50-year photo-
          shoot with those same cars in front
          of that same dealership.
             Richard Gish and Rodney Gish
          were 19 years old when they decided
          they needed to buy new cars.
             “We wanted more of a sporty-mus-
          cle  car,  but  not  the  Mustang.  The
          next best thing was the Gran Torino.
          We liked the design of it,” said Rod-
             With a little pressure from their
          father and some convincing from his
          brother, Richard joined Rodney on a
          trip to Jack Demmer Ford to look at
             A silver Gran Torino with black
          bucket  seats  caught  the  eye  of
          Richard, and a metallic green Gran
          Torino  with  ginger  bucket  seats
          caught the eye of Rodney.
             Richard  and  Rodney  ordered
          their cars with a manual four-speed
          transmission, however, both of their
          cars arrived off Wayne’s Ford Assem-  Richard Gish and Rodney Gish Ford Gran Torinos were shot by Don Ling and his business partner and wife, Lorna, at Jack
          bly line with an automatic instead.
          Their salesperson, Al Bruhowski re-  Demmer Ford in Wayne. Photo by Don Ling,
          ordered their cars with the correct  doing photography since 1987 and   For Richard and Rodney’s photo-  bouncing  off  the  building  onto  the
          transmission.                      started Art After Dark in July 2020.  shoot, Ling had the two Torinos po-  cars and the constant flow of traffic
             Then the twins’ second cars ar-    The photoshoot occurred on Oc-  sitioned  so  you  could  see  the  going past forced the team to pause
          rived with the correct transmission  tober  6th,  2022  in  front  of  Jack  building  in  the  background  with  many times during the shoot.
          but  the  wrong  axle  ratio  in  them.  Demmer  Ford.  Ling  and  Lorna  ar-  Jack  Demmer  signage.  The  Ford  “Part  of  what  this  process  re-
          Members  at  Demmer  noticed  the  rived around 6 p.m. to set up. Prior  sign was also part of the background.  quires is as close to absolute dark-
          mistake and fixed it.              to sunset, they set up their camera  “We were honored that these gen-  ness as possible. When working on
             Richard  picked  up  his  new  car  on a tripod, which cannot move dur-  tlemen wanted to use Jack Demmer  Michigan  Ave,  the  streetlights  and
          the Friday before Memorial Day in  ing the entire photoshoot. Lorna op-  Ford for the photoshoot. This is a  headlights are hard to work with,”
          1972. Rodney’s car came in two days  erates the computer that is tethered  great story to tell, and they are part  said Ling. “Most of the time I’m in a
          before that.                       to the camera. Her job is to trigger  of  our  history,”  said  Jim  Demmer,  dark, controlled situation, without
             For the most part, both cars are  the  camera,  while  Ling  lights  the  Jack Demmer Ford Vice President.  traffic. This was probably the most
          stocked, aside from minor modifica-  cars.                           “Plus, their Gran Torinos are really  challenging project done to control
          tions to the motor. Both have their   The  team  must  wait  for  total  cool.”                         lighting.”
          original interior still, but both exteri-  darkness, which allows a handheld  The  shoot  started  around  7:30  After months of work, Ling was
          ors have been repainted. Richard re-  light to light the car in many different  p.m. and finished between 8:30 and  able to present the finished project
          painted  his  around  2003  or  2004,  ways and many different exposures.  9 p.m. Ling stated he did 150 expo-  to Rodney in the beginning of May
          and  Rodney  repainted  his  shortly  Each  exposure  shows  a  small  and  sures that night.           2023.  It’s  now  on  display  in  Rod-
          after in 2005.                     specific part of the car.            “The  storyline  was  perfect.  The  ney’s living room.
             To celebrate the 50-year anniver-  Ling might light a tire four differ-  twin brothers, the cars, the dealer, it  “It’s a great looking picture,” said
          sary of having the same cars, Rod-  ent ways, or a grill work four differ-  really needed to be done there,” said  Rodney. “Every time I see the photo
          ney’s  good  friend  Marilyn  Lang  ent ways. Then all of the exposures  Ling. “It was not a perfect arrange-  it reminds me of childhood memo-
          booked a photoshoot for the twins.   are brought together in photoshop  ment setup, but the storyline over-  ries  and  brings  back  memories  of
             Don Ling and his business part-  and like a puzzle, all of the pieces  rode that.”                   what  we  did  together.  I’m  really
          ner and wife, Lorna, were the photog-  are  put  together  for  the  finished  Ling explained that the warmth of
          raphers for the shoot. Ling has been  product.                        the streetlights on Michigan Ave was      See Gran Torino, page 4
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2023 · 3
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