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Gran Torino, Continued from page 3 very close,” said Richard.
Since the photoshoot, the twins
pleased with the picture.” have been working on projects to-
Rodney and Richard were born gether at their homes in the UP
10 minutes apart on December 1st, which has brought them closer to-
1952. Born and raised in Inkster, the gether.
twins did everything together as they Rodney purchased a copy of the
grew up. finished photo for Richard and
“We did a lot of work on cars, planned on driving up north on Mon-
went into the military together, and day, June 26th or Tuesday, June
worked at Ford together after high 27th to give it to him.
school. I always had a buddy,” said “I’m more active in car shows
Rodney. than my brother. I could never con-
The twins graduated high school vince him with our unique story. I
in 1970. Representatives from Ford could never get him involved. This
came to their high school and photoshoot was the first major at-
handed out job applications. There tempt that worked,” said Rodney.
were only a few students that actu- Rodney participated in the an-
ally filled out the application, so the nual car cruise, Cruisin’ US12 in
twins were hired on the spot. Wayne in 2018 and 2019. He was
They were in the National Guard ready to participate again this year
from November 1971 to October but will be up north during the event.
1977 as part of the lotto for the draft. Richard Gish and Rodney Gish with their two Ford Gran Torinos they purchased over To view the twins’ photo or any of
Their sister was in Vietnam as a 50 years ago from Jack Demmer Ford in Wayne. Photo by Don Ling, the other projects Ling has com-
nurse in 1969 and told the twins if were separated. It was a big shock took over the house. Then in 2008, pleted or to book a photoshoot, you
they had to go to Vietnam she would for me,” said Rodney. “He was al- their neighbor in the UP sold their can visit or
re-enlist. ways around and we worked great house and Richard bought it so he his main business page, dlphotogra-
From 1981 through 1984, they together.” could live next door.
started their own company together The twins’ father retired in 1980 “We’ve grown apart in the last “It was an absolute delight to
but eventually, Richard returned to and built a house in the Upper Penin- years, but we did everything together. work with these people to create
work for Ford. sula (UP) of Michigan. Their father He is my best friend. If you're not a something that they will be able to
“That was the first time that we passed away in 1987, and the twins twin, you won't understand. We’re have for a long time,” said Ling.
4 · July 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch