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Ice Cream Dreams
                                                                                Dairy Queen displays

                                                                                student art projects

                                                                                By Sarah Shurge                   in  the  classroom  got  the  idea  to
                                                                                  “It’s a way to bring art, commu-  reach  out  to  the  owner  of  Dairy
                                                                                nity  and  ice  cream  together,”  said  Queen about putting the art on dis-
                                                                                Amber Thomas, Wayne Memorial Art  play there. The owner, Mike Petrou,
                                                                                teacher.                          graciously accepted the idea.
                                                                                  Thomas  has  been  teaching  at    “It  supports  kids  and  projects
                                                                                Wayne Memorial High School for six  that they’ve worked on. They should
                                                                                years. Every day she asks her stu-  feel proud about it,” said Petrou.
                                                                                dents daily questions. Towards the   Petrou  gave  the  students  free
                                                                                end  of  the  school  year,  she  asked  cones as incentive to participate.
                                                                                them  “if  you  could  create  an  ice  Nine pieces done by 15 different
                                                                                cream flavor, what would it be?”  students  were  put  up  for  display.
                                                                                    “The  kids  really  inspired  me  The artwork was put up in the begin-
                                                                                with their answers, so I decided to  ning of June and will stay up during
                                                                                create  a  project  about  it,”  said  the entire summer. Thomas will pick
                                                                                Thomas.                           up  the  projects  when  returning  to
                                                                                  As an end of the year project, the  school in the fall.
                                                                                students were tasked with creating   “I’m  hoping  the  community  en-
                                                                                three ice cream flavors, a container,  joys it,” said Thomas.
                                                                                and  a  theme.  They  could  work  in  If  you’re  interested  in  checking
                                                                                groups (of two or three members) or  out the artwork for yourself, you can
                                                                                individually  to  create  delicious  or  visit Dairy Queen located on the cor-
                                                                                disgusting flavors using watercolor,  ner of S. Wayne Rd. and Chestnut St.
                                                                                colored pencil, colored paint, etc.   It is open every day from 1 p.m. – 9
                                                                                  “My favorite thing about being an  p.m.
                                                                                art teacher is how you can watch a   “We’re proud to be a part of the
                                                                                kid come up with an idea and then  community,” said Petrou. “We enjoy
                                                                                create a piece out of that idea,” said  seeing kids coming up with families
                                                                                Thomas.                           and enjoying a treat. Participating in
                                                                                  While the students were creating  things  like  this  helps  build  memo-
                                                                                their ice cream projects, a para-pro  ries for years to come.”
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2023 · 5
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