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Five natural ways to sweeten coffee

             Has  your  household’s  cache  of                                  will also add a unique flavor that you  this one is truly for you. To sweeten
          leftover Easter candy been depleted                                   can’t get elsewhere.              your morning coffee, take a square
          yet?                                                                                                    of dark chocolate and add it to your
             Back when my kids were really                                      Dates                             steaming  coffee  cup.  Doing  so  will
          little, I used one of my favorite treats                                Dates…in coffee? Yup. Dates are  allow the chocolate to melt into your
          as “filler” for their Easter baskets—                                 one of the best natural sweeteners.  beverage  and  blend  a  rich  taste
          much to my kids’ dismay: “Oh, darn!                                   Who knew? Date paste is a great way  through your drink. Plus, the texture
          That’s right! You despise Hershey’s                                   to boost your coffee’s flavor while si-  of dark chocolate will add a creami-
          Special  Dark!  Sorry,  I  keep  forget-                              multaneously satisfying your sweet  ness  to  your  coffee  that's—chef’s
          ting!” was my tired refrain when they  diately  used  for  energy  or  sent  di-  tooth.  Additionally,  dates  are  jam-  kiss—out of this world.
          would root through their baskets for  rectly to the liver for fat storage. Your  packed  with  nutritional  benefits:  Cinnamon
          the  jellybeans,  gummy  candy,  and  blood  glucose  level  drops  quickly  They’re  high  in  antioxidants,  fiber,
          Peeps—you  know,  the  good  stuff—  after eating added sugars, known as  and  trace  vitamins  and  minerals.  Use  cinnamon  in  its  powdered
          and then scrunch their noses at what  a sugar crash, and that leaves you  Use  the  following  recipe  to  make  form or as a dried stick—it's a spice
          remained.                          hungry, irritable, and usually craving  date paste:                  that  can  be  used  to  sweeten  just
             It didn’t take long for my kids to  another pickup. When this happens,  •  Cover  2  cups  of  pitted  dates  about anything. It’s often used as a
          catch on: The chocolate was for me  you may not be able to make smart  with water and allow to soak for an  natural replacement for table sugar
          not them.                          choices about what and how much to  hour.                            or brown sugar, and it’s loaded with
             My kids are older now, and my   eat which could contribute to weight  • Once thoroughly soaked, drain  health benefits. One of cinnamon's
          signature move is no longer effective.  gain.”                        the dates and reserve the soaking liq-  greatest qualities is its beneficial im-
          But I’ll tell you one thing that hasn’t  And so, with that in mind, the fol-  uid.                      pact on blood sugar levels. Further-
          changed: I still love sugar. And I am  lowing are a few ways of sweetening  • Using a blender, blend the dates  more, cinnamon's anti-inflammatory
          especially  fond  of  adding  it  to  my  your coffee—without adding tons of  and slowly add some of the soaking  properties may ward off headaches
          morning coffee. Maybe you do, too.  artificial sugar.                 liquid until you have a smooth paste.  and other health issues caused by in-
             But here’s the thing: Not all sugar                                  • Stir this homemade paste into  flammation. Caution, though: When
          is created equal. There’s a difference  Stevia                        your daily coffee or use as a jam.  it comes to adding cinnamon to your
          between natural sugars and added      You’ve likely heard of this option                                coffee, a little goes a long way.
          sugars. Have you ever wondered why  before. A popular coffee sweetener,  Dark Chocolate                    Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
          you crave sugar but then feel terrible  Stevia is a natural sweetener derived  Oh, goodness. Be still, my beating  yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
          after eating, for instance, a cookie?  from  the  stevia  plant.  It’s  actually  heart. If you're a fan of mochas, then  for the Soul contributor.
          California-based Center for Healthy  200-300  times  sweeter  than  table
          Eating   and   Activity   Research  sugar, you only need a pinch or two
          (CHEAR), which provides evidence-  to sweeten up your cup of Joe. Pro
          based  treatments  for  individuals  tip: When purchasing Stevia, search
          who struggle with their weight and  for  a  minimally  processed  variety
          eating habits, explained why in one  made with 100% pure stevia extract,
          of their recent blogs:             which  will  ensure  that  your  sweet-
             “Foods containing natural sugars  ener  is  free  from  artificial  ingredi-
          [i.e., apples, bananas, Greek yogurt,  ents and preservatives.
          and sweet potatoes] offer nutrients
          that keep your body healthy, provide  Organic Coconut Sugar
          fast yet stable energy, and keep your  This one is my personal favorite.
          metabolism stable. Added sugars, on  Adding coconut sugar to your coffee
          the other hand, are harmful in large  is  a  delicious  and  natural  way  to
          quantities.  Added  sugars  are  typi-  sweeten your coffee. Not only will co-
          cally processed quickly, either imme-  conut sugar sweeten your coffee, it

          10 · May 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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