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Experience a different kind of barbeque in Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge
             When the word ‘barbecue’ is men-
          tioned, many people’s minds go di-
          rectly    to    Texas-style   or
          Southern-style barbecue. You can al-
          ready picture it in your head.
             The  City  of  Wayne  is  excited  to
          welcome  its  first  barbecue  restau-
          rant, Taste the Smoke, but this is a
          different style of barbecue.
             “There isn’t just one way barbe-
          cue should be served. This is Michi-
          gan barbecue. This is different. We
          smoke  low  and  slow,”  said  Curtis
          Huffman,  owner/chef  of  Taste  the
          Smoke.  “We  rely  on  our  smoking
          process as well as blends of season-
          ing. Sauce is an option, it’s not a go-
             Taste the Smoke soft-opened for
          the  weekends  on  Friday,  January
          13th, and Saturday, January 14th.
          There  was  a  ribbon  cutting  cere-
          mony  on  Tuesday,  April  18th,  and
          grand opening on Friday, April 21st,
          and Saturday, April 22nd.          The City of Wayne joined Chef Curtis, the owner of Taste the Smoke, his team and family for an official grand opening and
             Taste the Smoke officially opened
          for  regular  hours  on  Wednesday,  ribbon cutting ceremony last month. (Pictured) Councilman Eric Cleereman, Councilman Alfred Brock, Mayor John Rhaesa, Chef
          April 26th.                        Curtis, Michael Sloan, Councilman Kevin Dowd, Councilwoman Deb Wass, Community Development and DDA Director, Lori
             “It's  been  good.  There's  a  lot  of  Gouin, Building and Engineering Director, Mike Buiten, and Planning Commissioner Don Quarles. Photo by Lisa Nocerini
          firsts here - this is my first barbecue
          place and this is the city’s first bar-  club.                        but there is a condiments station, so  man.
          becue place. It’s like we were chosen  “I  would  always  stay  in  the  I  picked  up  some  sweet  barbecue  Huffman  is  focused  on  making
          for  each  other.  It's  great  to  be  the  kitchen, not knowing I would grow  and pit barbecue sauce.   himself  available  for  constructive
          first,” said Huffman.              up to be a chef,” said Huffman.      “A lot of people expect it to be fire  criticism and being available to listen
             However, Taste the Smoke almost    Huffman was a chef at Comerica  and fast. We’re not a pit where it’s  to customers.
          didn’t open in Wayne.              Park in Detroit for the Tigers for 10  fire and fast,” said Huffman. “I’ve cre-  “The  community  has  welcomed
             “It happened by pure opportunity  years.                           ated  literature  that  explains  what  me with open arms and I appreciate
          and chance,” said Huffman. “Origi-   “I played baseball, my kids played  smoking  means  as  opposed  to  pit-  it. It makes me feel like I chose the
          nally my idea for a restaurant was  baseball.  I  come  from  a  baseball  style barbecue, which is what you're  right  place,”  said  Huffman.  “Keep
          for another state and another loca-  world. But I stepped away to do my  doing in your backyard.”       supporting us so we can make it and
          tion. I decided to start here and give  own thing,” said Huffman.       That  literature  is  posted  on  a  we can survive. I didn't start here to
          it  a  try  so  I  don't  have  to  relocate  Huffman  opened  Thunderbowl  large sign to the left of the door when  leave. I started here for this to be the
          everything right away.”            Grill inside Thunderbowl Lanes in  you walk inside the restaurant.   first Taste the Smoke for many more
             Huffman’s original idea was for a  Allen Park. After that, he started his  “Once you find out what it means  to come. Wayne is our home, where
          casual  dining  restaurant  in  south  catering business, A Special Taste, in  to smoke, I hope that changes your  we started, and hopefully we never
          Florida. He drew up the idea for the  2011  at  a  banquet  hall  in  Livonia.  thoughts,” said Huffman. “Don't be  have to leave.”
          process but then an opportunity ap-  Now he opened his first restaurant,  judgemental. Accept our process and  Taste the Smoke is located at the
          peared.                            Taste the Smoke, in Wayne.         try it without expectation.”      corner of W. Michigan Ave and Eliza-
             The  building  Pizza  Hut  was  lo-  “The City of Wayne is such a com-  You should come read about the  beth  St.  where  the  old  Pizza  Hut
          cated in was up for lease. Huffman  munity. It's been a heck of an experi-  smoke  process  yourself  and  then  used to be.
          attended  a  meeting  there  and  one  ence,” said Huffman. “It's cool to see  order  something  to  eat.  Huffman  Taste the Smoke is open Wednes-
          thing led to another.              the community supporting the com-  stated that the best sellers at Taste  day  through  Sunday,  3  p.m.  –  10
             “I was looking for a new location  munity. This is the next thing for me  the Smoke are the ribs, pulled pork,  p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, 3
          for my catering business, but then I  to do and to see the community be-  and the brisket.              p.m. – 12 a.m. on Friday and Satur-
          came up with the idea for barbecue,”  hind me without even knowing me -  “Watching people sit at the tables  day (will soon have entertainment or
          said Huffman.                      I’m  new  and  I'm  being  embraced  -  that I put together myself, is reward-  game nights), and 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.
             Huffman has been working with   that’s the best.”                  ing to see. The atmosphere that is  on Sunday.
          food since he was a kid. He comes     I  personally  visited  Taste  the  being created, to watch it go from a  You   can   contact   them   at
          from  a  family  of  cooking  but  his  Smoke on Saturday, April 30th. I or-  thought through the process, is re-  (734)725-5990. You can find them
          mom was the first official chef in the  dered the ribs, which come with two  ally rewarding. Especially when peo-  on Instagram by searching “Taste the
          family.  She  owned  a  Coney  Island  sides, so I chose the fries and maca-  ple  say  they  like  something  that  I  Smoke” or “A Special Taste.” A web-
          and  Huffman’s  dad  owned  a  jazz  roni and cheese. Sauce is not a go-to,  wasn't sure would work,” said Huff-  site and Facebook are coming soon.
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2023 · 7
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