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Parks, Trails, needs volunteers for park clean-ups

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         history as well. The committee is try-
             Do you want to make the world a        2023 Park Clean-up Schedule                                   ing to work with the Wayne Histori-
          greener  place?  You  can  start  one                                                                   cal Society to get more involved with
          park at a time.                              Attwood Park: 33601 Annapolis Street                       the history of the parks and maybe
             Five years ago the City of Wayne                                                                     add  signs  so  the  community  can
          created a Parks and Trails Commit-        Saturday, May 20th, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 noon           learn more about the history of the
          tee who volunteers to keep the green-                                                                   parks they spend time at.
          space  in  Wayne  clean  and  free  of        Soroptimist Park: 36700 John Street                          This  year  the  committee  is
          debris.                                                                                                 adding something new. They are ask-
             The committee consists of: John        Saturday, June 10th, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon           ing organizations to consider adopt-
          Mills, Daniel Mills, Michelle Nedzlek,                                                                  ing   a   park   or   trail.   These
          Councilman Eric Cleereman, Coun-               Civitan Park: 37174 Glenwood Road                        organizations  will  be  asked  to  do
          cilman Alfred Brock, Jeremiah Web-                                                                      what  they  can  to  help  with  these
          ster, Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong,     Saturday, July 15th, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon           clean-ups. Anyone that is interested
          Ed  Queen,  and  City  Manager  Lisa                                                                    in adopting a park or trail can con-
          Nocerini.                                                                                               tact Ed Queen at the Department of
             “Our parks and trails are an indi-          Shafer Park: 4322 Randolph Street                        Public Works (DPW) at equeen@city-
          cation of the health of our commu-       Saturday, August 19th, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
          nity,”  said  Lisa  Nocerini,  City                                                                        “We’re hoping people will be able
          Manager and liaison to the commit-                                                                      to adopt,” said Nocerini. “Any long
          tee.  “When  they  don’t  look  main-  The park clean-up schedule for  would be perfect,” said Nocerini.   term  commitment  can  get  signage
          tained  or  cared  for  -  despite  the  summer 2023 is: Attwood Park: Sat-  If you can’t make it to one of the  placed  at  the  park  showing  their
          efforts of the city - it sends a strong  urday,  May  20th  from  8:30  a.m.  -  scheduled clean-ups, the committee  commitment.”
          message to those who may want to   Noon.  Soroptimist  Park:  Saturday,  is encouraging neighbors and fami-  If you are interested in joining a
          move into the community with their  June  10th  from  8:30  a.m.  -  Noon.  lies  to  visit  a  park  and  take  some  committee, you can find applications
          family.”                           Civitan  Park:  Saturday,  July  15th  time, maybe even an hour, to pick up  for  committees  that  have  open
             Nocerini has been helping clean  from 8:30 a.m. - Noon. Shafer Park:  trash and help keep the parks clean.  spaces  at  City  Hall  or  at  city-
          the parks for five years now. “It’s im-  Saturday,  August  19th  from  8:30  Nocerini gave a shoutout to Chris
          portant we all pitch in to showcase  a.m. - Noon.                     Miller,  Wayne  resident  that  lives  If you are interested in getting in-
          our community as a jewel for gener-   Volunteers don’t need to stay the  across  the  street  from  one  of  the  volved for clean-up, there are post-
          ations to come,” said Nocerini.    entire clean-up. Even 30 minutes of  parks. In an effort to help keep the  ings on the boards in City Hall. For
             From the start, the committee de-  cleaning is helpful.            parks  clean,  Miller  has  collected  more information about the Parks,
          cided to clean four to five parks each  “The  clean-ups  went  great  last  over  30  bags  of  trash  at  Attwood  Trails, and Greenspace Clean-Up He-
          summer. The efforts include: trim-  year. We had a number of volunteers,  Park.                         roes or to stay updated, you can find
          ming trees, bushes, and shrubs, rak-  but we can always use more,” said  “It takes a whole village to do this.  them on Facebook at “City of Wayne
          ing  leaves,  picking  up  garbage,  Nocerini. “We saw a lot of new faces  We want to see the parks in better  Parks, Trails, & Greenspace Clean-
          painting pavilions, and some volun-  and  new  people  getting  involved,  shape but we can only do so much  up Heroes.”
          teers even do repairs.             which  is  great,  but  some  of  our  with the limited people working with  If you know a group that wants to
             In February 2022, the committee  parks are giant. We can only accom-  us,” said Nocerini.            clean-up garbage in the park, contact
          launched  a  Facebook  page  called  plish so much with our volunteers.”   The committee meets monthly to  Lisa  Nocerini  or  the  DPW  and  the
          City of Wayne Parks, Trails, & Green-  Nocerini is urging the community  come up with ways to get residents  proper  supplies  will  be  provided.
          space Clean-Up Heroes. It’s a page  to get involved.                  more involved with parks. They also  You  can  contact  Lisa  Nocerini  by
          for volunteers interested in getting in-  “We’d love to do a lot more, but  spoke with the Wayne-Westland Com-  phone at (734) 895-9196 or email at
          volved, updates about park clean-up  it’s the same individuals volunteer-  munity  Schools  District  (WWCSD)
          dates, pictures, videos, and informa-  ing every weekend and it burns them  about ways to get students involved.   Be sure to get out there and get
          tion.                              out. If more people get involved, it  The parks in the city have a rich  cleaning.

                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · May 2023 · 9
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