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Karma Coffee and Kitchen - a hidden gem in Wayne

             As someone that grew up in the
          City of Wayne and now writes for the
          City of Wayne, I thought it would be
          fun to get to know the city more per-
          sonally, while my readers can get to
          know me better in the process.
             To do this, I’m starting a series
          about  hidden  gems  in  the  City  of
          Wayne that I personally visit, experi-
          ence, and review for my readers. To  latte. We both have a sweet tooth, so
          shine a spotlight on places you might  he also got two cupcakes: a straw-
          not  have  heard  about,  or  haven’t  berry one and an oreo one.
          tried  for  yourself.  So,  welcome  to  I’m not a chef, nor am I a profes-
          our first Spotlight Series with Sarah!  sional  at  reviewing  food,  but  this
             My first spotlight to start this se-  food hit the spot. My burrito was fill-
          ries  off  goes  to  Karma  Coffee  &  ing and still hot after the 10 minute
          Kitchen. You might drive past it and  drive home. As someone that drinks
          not even notice, but it deserves to be  coffee black, the actual quality of cof-
          seen.                              fee  matters,  and  this  coffee  had  a
             I’ve  been  working  from  home  great  coffee  flavor  and  didn’t  taste
          since 2020, and as much as I love  like just hot bean water. The straw- Karma Coffee & Kitchen owners Jennifer Romero and chef David Romero. Photo by
          working  remotely,  sometimes  I  do  berry  cupcake  was  so  good  and  John P. Rhaesa
          not  feel  like  cooking  breakfast  or  moist,  that  if  my  boyfriend  had  Clark Street was a popular choice,  there before, there was a very homey
          lunch, and would much rather order  brought  home  more  than  one,  I  so  I  ordered  that,  a  strawberry  feel as I sat and waited for my order.
          in.                                would have eaten all of them in one  smoothie, and put in a to-go order  Jennifer personally brought out my
             Back  in  January,  my  boyfriend  sitting.                        for an All American Cheeseburger as  freshly-made smoothie first and then
          was headed into downtown Wayne to     In February, I asked my boyfriend  well because I’m a big cheeseburger  my food shortly after.
          get  a  haircut  and  offered  to  bring  to go back to Karma Coffee because  fan.                         I like chicken, but the Open Face
          back some breakfast for me. He had  I was craving another breakfast bur-  Jennifer told me that my order  Clark  Street  is  not  something  I
          asked if I wanted anything specific,  rito and coffee. At this point, I knew  would  take  a  few  minutes,  so  I  would normally order. It’s a grilled
          but as a Libra, I am indecisive and  I  wanted  to  write  about  this  place  picked a table, sat down, and looked  chicken breast with provolone on a
          don’t  like  making  decisions,  so  I  and  share  my  experience  with  my  around.                   bed of sauteed vegetables and served
          asked him to surprise me.          readers.                             I  quickly  noticed  that  an  older  with tortilla chips. As I mentioned,
             He returned home, excited about    On Monday, March 4th, I visited  gentleman sitting at a table near me  I’d normally order a cheeseburger or
          a “hidden gem” he found in Wayne.  Karma Coffee Shop & Kitchen in per-  was  playing  a  card  game  with  a  even a club sandwich, but I wanted
          That hidden gem was Karma Coffee   son to get the full experience.    younger  lady.  That’s  when  I  saw  a  to  try  something  different  for  my
          & Kitchen.                            Jennifer Romero, Karma Coffee   bookshelf next to the wall filled with  readers, and honestly, I’m glad I did.
             Since  I’ve  been  writing  for  the  & Kitchen owner, and David Romero,  board games such as Connect 4, Bat-  The  cheese-pull  with  the  pro-
          Wayne  Dispatch  for  almost  three  Karma Coffee Shop & Kitchen owner  tleship,  Candy  Land,  Life,  Yahtzee,  volone  was  something  you  see  on
          years now, I’ve heard about Karma  and chef, were behind the counter  and so much more.                 commercials. The tortilla chips were
          Coffee, mentioned it in an article or  and greeted me as I walked towards  I was later informed by Jennifer  homemade and perfect for scooping
          two before, but had never tried it per-  them.                        that that was her daughter Isabella  the chicken and vegetables or even
          sonally. So I was excited too.        Since  I’ve  already  tried  their  playing with a regular that comes in  eating solo. And the sauteed vegeta-
             He  got  me  a  breakfast  burrito  breakfast  items,  I  decided  to  ask  weekly from the Wayne Towers Sen-  bles  were  good  enough  to  eat  by
          and  black  coffee,  and  himself  the  what other items were popular. I was  ior Apartments.
          chicken  sandwich  and  a  chai  tea  told by Jennifer that the Open Face  Even  though  I  had  never  been         See Karma, page 17

          16 · March 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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