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JOHNSON’S, Continued from page 8
             After graduating college, Johnson
          explored other employment options
          for about five years, and returned to
          Johnson’s Car Wash three years ago.
          “I knew it’s what I always wanted to
          do,” said Johnson. “My favorite part
          is all the people. The customers that
          have  been  with  us  for  a  long  time
          and  love  us,  they  make  coming  to
          work worth it.”
             But it’s more than just the cus-
          tomers that make it worth it to John-
             “The younger kids that come in
          and it's their first job. We teach them                                               Johnson’s Car Wash has been family-run in Wayne since 1976.
          skills for when they move on,” said
          Johnson. “It’s being a part of a busi-                                                                  new.
          ness that really helps people that are                                                                     “It's  a  welcoming  place,”  said
          customers but also helps the people                                                                     Johnson. “It's a part of the town and
          that work there.”                                                                                       we appreciate everyone. Wayne has
             I took my car to Johnson’s Car                                                                       been good to the Johnson family and
          Wash on Friday, February 23rd, al-                                                                      we like to return the favor and be
          though I have been taking my car to                                                                     good to the people of Wayne.”
          Johnson’s for years now.                                                                                   Johnson wanted to give a special
             I am the chauffeur to three large                                                                    shout out to Saif Aljanabi, who will
          short-haired dogs, and if you know                                                                      be celebrating ten years working at
          anything  about  short-haired  dogs,                                                                    Johnson’s  Car  Wash  on  Monday,
          then  you  know  they  shed  like  no                                                                   April 8th.
          other. I have a dog hammock in my                                                                          “He's been a part of all the good
          backseat, but it doesn’t contain the                                                                    improvements  we’ve  done  through
          hairs, so my backseat is always cov-                                                                    the years, and we cannot thank him
          ered in dog hair (white, brown, and                                                                     enough,” said Johnson.
          black hairs).                                                                                              Johnson’s Car Wash is located at
             I’ve tried to vacuum the dog hairs                                                                   33520  Michigan  Ave  and  is  open
          myself, but I can’t get my car as clean                                                                 8a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday,
          as the workers at Johnson’s can, so                                                                     9a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday. Interior
          I took my car in on Friday. I got the                                                                   services are available every day until
          basic exterior wash, the express inte-  Operations manager Saif Aljanabi and owner Terry Johnson cleaing car mats.   6  p.m.  Monday  through  Saturday
          rior, plus cargo (my trunk).                                                                            and 4 p.m. on Sunday.
             For the amount of dog hair on my  floor mats, I was impressed (as al-  the  scents  ‘Clean  Car’  and  ‘Black  For  more  information  about
          seats and trunk, and salt stains on  ways) with the service they provided.  Royale’ for myself. If you grab any of  Johnson’s Car Wash, visit johnson-
          my car mats, the Johnson’s employ-  (Be sure to tip the employees for the  these for yourself, the instructions or call (734)326-3110.
          ees did not take too long to get the in-  hard work they do on your cars!)  say to remove the air freshener from  You can find them on Facebook, In-
          side  of  my  car  looking  fresh  and  Johnson’s  offers  free  Diamond-  the outer bag and place the freshener  stagram and Tik Tok by searching
          clean.                             Ultra Wonder Wafers air fresheners  under the front seat of your vehicle.   “Johnson’s Car Wash”.
             After inspecting my car and the  with an interior service, so I couldn’t  I’m normally a “Black Ice” kind of  Be  sure  your  car  is  ready  for
          lack  of  dog  hairs  and  salt-stained  say no to free air fresheners. I picked  girl, but it was nice to try something  spring and visit Johnson’s Car Wash.

          12 · March 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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