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Silent cities speak history

             The earliest known death in what
          has become the City of Wayne hap-
          pened in what was known as John-
          son's Tavern built in 1824. Stephen
          Gifford  Simmons  who  purchased
          the tavern from George M. Johnson
          in  1825  with  his  wife  Lavina,  and
          two daughters moved to the frontier
          of the Territory of Michigan to oper-
          ate the Johnson's tavern. In one of  Streets  North  of  Michigan  Avenue
          his  jealous  and  drunken  rages  in  West. Given almost 200 years since
          1830,  Stephen  Gifford  Simmons   their deaths and burials, I trust that
          beat  his  wife,  Lavina  to  death.  He  no remains or the exact locations of
          was  captured  by  local  authorities,  their burials could be found today.
          brought to trial in Detroit, was found  This author likes to believe that the
          guilty of the charges, and was sen-  heirs chose the high ground on the
          tenced to death by hanging. On Sep-  western edge of their property to in-                                        Historic Glenwood Cemetery
          tember 24, 1830 in Campus Martius  tern  the  remains  of  their  parents.
          the sentence was carried out. What  This leads us to the next burial prac-  sidered to be health hazards by the  that  the  lots  were  well  organized,
          you  may  not  know  is  that  Wayne's  tice:                         late 19th Century. Given Wayne had  with rolling terrain, planned vista's
          own resident, Stephen Gifford Sim-                                    the  Michigan  Avenue  Cemetery,  it  and  walkways,  three  dimensional
          mons was the last Michiganian to be  Burial plots                     wasn't until after the Catholic church  statues, vaults ( McGee, Stellwagen-
          sentenced to death under Michigan     Burial Plots are similar to Fron-  was established that a churchyard  Collins, and King) and tombstones
          law. The specter created by his hang-  tier Graves as they typically are rest-  was  also  created,  that  being  St.  that were works of art. In fact, many
          ing in 1830 Detroit, was the catalyst  ing places set aside on the owners  Mary's Catholic Cemetery. The land  families picnicked on the burial site
          which sparked the debate regarding  property  for  family  members  who  for which was donated by Jeremiah  of  their  beloved  relatives  who  had
          the  death  penalty  and  resulted  in  have passed. The Old Wayne Michi-  O'Connor, the Irish immigrant who  passed on, they left flowers, pebbles
          Michigan becoming the first state in  gan Avenue Cemetery began as the  was  instrumental  in  founding  St  or  coins  on  the  markers  to  show
          the  country  to  ban  capital  punish-  family resting place for Ezra Derby's  Mary's  Parish.  St.  Mary's  is  now  their  love  and  affection  for  the  de-
          ment. With that background I begin  first wife, Sarah who died in 1832.  closed to new burials, though living  parted.
          the  History  of  Wayne  Cemeteries  Derby selected the hill at the west  persons  who  own  a  plot  can  be  While  many  cemeteries  main-
          starting with:                     end of his property just north of the  buried  in  it  when  they  pass.  Like  tained  a  section  for  the  poor,  the
                                             Chicago  road  (Michigan  Avenue),  many cemeteries in towns, church  Eloise Cemetery in Westland is a spe-
                                                                                graveyards became landlocked and
                                                                                                                  cial municipal cemetery as it was en-
          Frontier graves                    [perhaps it was chosen since Lavina  are  closed  to  new  lots  being  pur-  tirely  a  Potter's  Field  for  poor
                                             and Stephen Simmons were already
             The practice across all American  buried on this hill two years prior].  chased and used - they simply are  deceased  patients  whose  families
          frontiers  was  that  people  were  In fact, three of Ezra's five wives are  full after decades of burials.  could not afford to transport their
          buried  where  they  died.  It  is  pre-  buried  in  the  family  burial  plot.                        loved one's body home for burial, or
          sumed  that  Lavina  Simmons  was  NOTE: Ezra Derby bought the John-  Rural Cemeteries -                those  whose  bodies  were  never
          buried  near  where  she  died.  As  son's Tavern from Stephen Gifford  Municipal                       claimed.
          noted in the book by David G. Char-  Simmons' children. He constructed                                     Other rural cemeteries were cor-
          davoyne,  "A  Hanging  in  Detroit  -  the first sawmill, frame house, store  (Township, Village, City)  porately owned.
          Stephen Gifford Simmons and the    and blacksmith shop in Wayne. The  & Potter’s field
          Last Execution under Michigan Law"  Western half of the Old Wayne Michi-  As referenced in the discussion  Cemeteries - Corporate
          The author states " We do know, be-  gan Avenue Cemetery was deeded to  about  St.  Mary's  Cemetery,  by  the  Businessmen  took  notice  that
          cause of a claim against Stephen's es-  the Village of Wayne by the James  later quarter of the 19th Century, as  money could be made in death. "Fu-
          tate,  that  a  local  [Detroit]  cabinet  Clark Family whose acreage was im-  villages grew, they closed off land for  neral  Homes  removed  the  health
          maker   named    William   Durell  mediately to the west of the Derby  burials  within  village  limits.  Again  fears of  hosting the services for your
          charged the Simmons estate a total  property and whose burial plot was  during the latter quarter of the 19th  deceased  family  member  in  your
          of thirty-six dollars 'for making [a]  adjacent to the Derby Family Burial  Century,  the  thoughts  were  that  front parlor, to having the body dis-
          coffin and taking the Boddy of the de-  Ground. In 1918, the village closed  cemeteries posed health risks and  played  and  services  conducted  in
          ceased to his farm for burial."  This  burials with the last known burial  were utilizing valuable urban land,  these "funeral homes". Their hearses
          account  is  recorded  in  the  Wayne  happening in 1917.             so the municipalities created rural  were some of the first ambulances.
          County Probate Case 440 (Account                                      cemeteries  away  from  the  urban  Corporations  were  formed  to  pur-
          of Levi Cook). Presumably, upon ar-                                   areas.  Municipalities  created  ordi-  chase land for cemeteries and they
          rival at Johnson's Tavern, the Sim- Churchyards                       nances forbidding the burial of peo-  typically  hired  a  local  attorney  as
          mons heirs buried Stephen there, on   Churchyards  became  popular    ple   on   village   residential   or  their "Agent" to promote and handle
          the homestead, perhaps next to Lev-  during the 17th through 20th Cen-  commercial lots. To this end, the vil-  the sale of lots in their corporate "for
          ina or perhaps not; there is no evi-  turies and as their title suggests, they  lage  of  Wayne  opened  Glenwood  profit"  cemeteries.  The  Merriman
          dence  of  where  either  of  them  are  were typically next to the church and  Cemetery in 1871 out in the rural  Family Burial Grounds and much of
          buried.  If this was the case, Lavina  were near town centers. As villages  countryside far away from the popu-  their  farm  was  purchased  by  a
          and Stephen are buried somewhere   grew,  churchyards  became  land-  lated city center at that time. These
          between  Second  and  Elizabeth    locked, overcrowded and were con-  cemeteries were more "park like" in             See Silent, page 13
          4 · April 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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