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Autism Awareness

          Month in Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                    their daily lives, while others need
             On  Tuesday,  April  2nd,  Wayne  less support and, in some cases, live
          Mayor  John  Rhaesa  signed  an    entirely independently.
          Autism Awareness Proclamation, on     On average, autism is diagnosed
          behalf of the City Council and the cit-  around age 5 in the US, with signs
          izens of Wayne, to hereby proclaim  appearing by age 2 or 3. Among the
          the month of April 2024 as Autism  most  common  co-occuring  condi-
          Awareness  Month  in  the  City  of  tions are attention-deficit/hyperactiv-
          Wayne and encourage all Wayne Citi-  ity  disorder  (ADHD),  anxiety  and
          zens to look beyond autism and see  depression, gastrointestinal (GI) dis-
          someone special.                   orders,  seizures,  and  sleep  disor-
             The Autism Awareness Proclama-  ders.  Anybody  can  be  autistic;
          tion, states the following:        however, research shows that boys
             Autism refers to a broad range of  get diagnosed with autism four times
          conditions  characterized  by  chal-  more often than girls.
          lenges  with  social  skills,  repetitive  Living with a person with Autism
          behaviors,  speech,  and  nonverbal  Spectrum Disorder affects the entire
          communication.                     family. Meeting the complex needs of
             There  is  not  just  one  type  of  a person with autism can put fami-
          autism, but many. Autism looks dif-  lies  under  a  great  deal  of  stress  -
          ferent for everyone, and each person  emotional, financial, and sometimes
          with  autism  has  a  distinct  set  of  even physical.
          strengths  and  challenges.  Some     Autism is a lifelong condition and
          autistic people can speak, while oth-  an autistic person’s needs, strengths,
          ers are nonverbal or minimally ver-  and  challenges  may  change  over
          bal and communicate in other ways.
          Some require significant support in           See Autism, page 13                           Wayne City Clerk Tina Parnell with her grandson Mark.

          6 · April 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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