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Dine in during Downtown Wayne’s Restaurant Week

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         Rd.)
             Mark your calendars and prepare                                                                         “Thank you to the businesses, for
          your  stomachs  because  restaurant                                                                     having restaurants in Wayne, for the
          week is returning to Wayne!                                                                             support  and  community  outreach
             “We eat out at least once a week.                                                                    that  is  a  constant  and  daily  give-
          Instead of taking your business out-                                                                    back,”  said  Kubany.  “The  City  of
          side of your community, just choose                                                                     Wayne is behind you.”
          Wayne that week,” said Lisa Kubany,                                                                        Downtown  Wayne  Restaurant
          Wayne Downtown Development Au-                                                                          Week has been including more par-
          thority (DDA) Marketing and Events                                                                      ticipants each year, as Wayne has be-
          Director.                                                                                               come more of a dining community.
             Downtown  Wayne  Restaurant                                                                             “This  lifts  up  businesses  that
          Week will be from Sunday, April 21st                                                                    build and bring people to our city,”
          - Sunday, April 28th.                                                                                   said Kubany.
             “We are bringing a unique oppor-  restaurants in Wayne,” said Kubany.  Chicken  (34250  W.  Michigan  Ave),  “They support you in events, now
          tunity to the city for local businesses  “We’re  a  growing  community  with  My  Place  Restaurant  (35454  W.  it's time to support them.  Lift them
          to  showcase  their  culinary  experi-  more  than  just  typical  fast-food  Michigan Ave), Nick's Coney Island  up and support them and be part of
          ence,  engage  with  the  community,  restaurants. Some businesses have  (35425  E.  Michigan  Ave),  Notre  their success.”
          create new customers, and get their  been here for more than 30 years.”   Dame Lounge (3144 S. Wayne Rd),  Be watching Fox 2 News the week
          name out there to people outside the  The following businesses are par-  Steve's Coney Island (5727 S. Wayne  before April 21st for a commercial
          community that may not know about  ticipating in restaurant week: The Av-  Rd.), Taste the Smoke BBQ (35445  highlighting some of the restaurants
          them,” said Kubany.                enue   American   Bistro   (3632   W. Michigan Ave), Tropical Smoothie  in the City of Wayne.
             Businesses   participating   in  Elizabeth), Billi's Shawarma (35600  Cafe (35131 E. Michigan Ave), US12  There will also be a gift card con-
          restaurant week are encouraged to  E.  Michigan  Ave),  Brookie’s  Cafe  Bar  and  Grill  (34824  W.  Michigan  test.
          have a pre-fixed menu (consisting of  (35234 W. Michigan Ave), China Gar-  Ave), Wingstop (35165 E. Michigan  “Support your local restaurants,”
          specialty  items  at  pre-fixed  cost).  den (35125 E. Michigan Ave), Jouli's  Ave),  Karma  Coffee  and  Kitchen  said Kubany. “Instead of taking your
          Restaurants will have affordable op-  Coney Island (5006 S. Wayne Rd.), L.  (35634  W.  Michigan  Ave),  Benders  business somewhere else, make it a
          tions for lunch or dinners.        George's  Coney  Island  (34438  W.  (34830 E. Michigan Ave), and Wayne  point to support a local business in
             “It’s  a  great  way  to  promote  Michigan Ave), Lee’s Famous Recipe  Chicken  and  Fish  (4429  S.  Wayne  your community that week.”

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · April 2024 · 7
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