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Early history in Wayne

             The area in what is now Wayne                                      a  pioneer  settler  was  not  easy,  as
          was covered by at least six different                                 they had to clear their land of trees,
          glaciers over the past million years,                                 plant  crops,  and  get  a  farm  going
          with  the  last  glacier  melting  about                              from scratch in a harsh and some-
          12,500 years ago. Interestingly the                                   times   unforgiving   environment.
          great lakes used to be much larger at                                 Neighbors could be miles away, and
          that time and the shoreline was actu-                                 the  town  of  Wayne  was  only  a  few
          ally at Wayne. Evidence shows Wayne                                   dozen people.
          road actually follows the ridge of the                                  Bears and wolves still populated
          old beach, with the east side of town  Americans in 1807. In 1824 the first  this area of Michigan, and the low
          being underwater. It was during this  cabin was built in Wayne by George  swampy nature of the eastern land in
          time that the first humans entered  Johnson as a stagecoach stop on the  Wayne led to a lot of malaria spread
          Michigan,  but  then  there  is  a  gap  Chicago road (Michigan Avenue). In  by mosquitoes. We have letters from
          until  about  1000  years  ago  when  the early 1830s the Indian removal  early settlers that were bedridden 6
          modern Native Americans settled the  acts forced many remaining Native  months  of  the  year  with  malaria,                   Ezra Derby
          area.  The  Ojibwe,  Potawatomi,  Ot-  Americans to move west, move north  which  they  called  "Ague".  In  1832
          tawa  and  Wyandot  were  the  major  to reservations, or integrate. In 1825  Ezra Derby bought the tavern and  Farms also usually had fruit trees,
          tribes in Michigan when French trap-  the Erie Canal was opened and early  built the first blacksmith shop, gen-  grapes, vegetable gardens and some
          pers began exploring in the 1600s.  steamboats had come online causing  eral store, and a sawmill. Using this  livestock. Raising sheep in this area
          Its  estimated  there  were  about  a flood of east coast settlers to come  lumber he built he first frame house  was quite popular until dairy cows
          15,000  Native  Americans  in  all  of  to  Detroit  and  eventually  move  in-  in Wayne in 1834, also on Michigan  took  over  in  the  1890s.  Wayne  re-
          Michigan,  and  the  unfortunate   land to Wayne and beyond. Many of  Avenue.  He  plotted  a  small  settle-  mained a small agricultural hamlet
          spread of disease from Europeans   these people had been living in New  ment and sold lots, sparking the be-  through to the 1920s when factory
          reduced  this  population  by  half  York or other states for generations,  ginnings of a town. However, by the  jobs began to take over. More about
          within 30 years.                   but  by  the  1840s  and  50s  Wayne  1860s  there  were  still  fewer  than  this history can always be enjoyed at
             Through many wars, rebellions,  began  to  see  immigrants  straight  300  people  in  Wayne.  Common  the  Historical  Museum,  or  on  our
          and unfair treaties much of the land  from western Europe, especially Ger-  crops  grown  in  the  area  include  Facebook and Instagram, come give
          where Wayne is was ceded by Native  many, Scotland and Ireland. Life for  beans, sugar beets, corn and wheat.  us a visit.

          4 · May 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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