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Imperial Press celebrates 40 years
By Sarah Shurge water bottles, wristbands, name tags,
“You name it, we print it. Nobody stationary, and so much more.
prints better for less than Imperial For the month of May, Imperial
Press” is the motto of Imperial Press, Press is offering $40 off every $200
which has been providing Metro De- order or more, as well as 20% off all
troit with printing services since embroidery.
1984. Every business that gets an order
Imperial Press celebrated 40 in May will be receiving a business
years of business at the beginning of package free from Imperial Press
April. upon pick up and/or free delivery.
“It’s amazing that we’re still here (Package includes Imperial Press
and growing and expanding in a time wall calendar, desk calendar, mouse
like this. We’re doing better than pad/notepad, two things to do pads,
ever,” said Chelsea Rushlow, Impe- and a pen).
rial Press owner. Imperial Press is located at
Imperial Press is a print, mail, 36024 Michigan Ave and is open 9
and marketing company, as well as a Imperial Press owners Chelsea Rushlow and her father Chuck Rushlow. a.m - 5 p.m Monday - Friday.
full apparel house (with every form said Rushlow. such as: save the dates, invitations For more information about Im-
of apparel printing) since 2019. Rushlow has been with the busi- and RSVP cards, envelopes, return perial Press, visit
“If you don't evolve, you fall be- ness for 17 years, however, her fa- address stamps, table cards, nap- or call (844)31-PRINT.
hind,” said Rushlow. “Print shops ther, Charles Rushlow, Imperial kins, seating charts, guest favors, Be sure to check their website for
have to constantly evolve and that’s Press owner, started the business in and more. the “Hot Off the Press” section,
what we’ve done. We’ve updated our 1984. You can stop by Imperial Press if which offers free marketing informa-
equipment and evolved.” “My dad started the company you’re in need of any of the following: tion you can utilize for your small
During the COVID-19 pandemic, with a broken down press that he got athletic gear, custom shirts, uni- business.
Imperial Press created customer re- from a church. He repaired it on his forms, yard signs, brochures, em- Imperial Press plans on opening
tail protection shields and details for own, before Google or YouTube even broidery, newsletters, menus, flyers, their rental location to the public
social distancing. existed, and now he has two build- letterheads, mouse pads, raffle tick- next year, so be sure to check the
“We have been growing so rapidly ings full of millions of dollars worth ets, custom mugs, design services, website for updates.
since COVID. We did not just survive, of equipment,” said Rushlow. “He’s
we thrived,” said Rushlow. the perfect example of the ‘American
Due to business growing, Impe- dream’ in my opinion.”
rial Press now has two locations. Charles used to be the president
Their main location is all paper of the Wayne Chamber of Commerce,
products: calendars, notepads, busi- part of the Wayne Rotary Club, and
ness cards, pocket folders, etc. (all involved with other clubs as well.
of their paper products and house Imperial Press still continues to
paper is 100% American-made be a supporter of the Wayne Cham-
paper). While their rental location is ber and many nonprofits throughout
apparel and promotional products. the year.
They offer large format printing “I’m really excited we’re celebrat-
for any occasion, such as: canvas ing 40 years, my father is excited,
wraps, posters, banners, fabric flags, and all of our team that has stuck
vinyl prints, and window clings. with us all these years, they are ex-
“My customers and consumers, cited,” said Rushlow. “We’re happy to
their success is my success. The be here, not only to conduct great
more successful they are, the more business and have people coming
printing they need from me. I want back for more, but we love giving
them to keep coming back, to boast back to the community.”
about our great customer service Imperial Press’ most popular
and price dropping to their friends,” items are mailings and apparel,
said Rushlow. Rushlow suspects due to their lower
Imperial Press has a large num- price compared to competitors.
ber of repeat customers, and since “I love my career,” said Rushlow.
they do zero marketing or advertis- “I go to seminars and take time out
ing, all of their business is through of the day to stay up to date with the
word of mouth. most current marketing methods.
“Our repeat customers are faith- Everything is always constantly
ful and loyal to us. We can’t thank changing and you always have to stay
them enough for their support and updated.”
business, or how much we appreci- If you’re planning a wedding, Im-
ate all the people they bring to us,” perial Press offers wedding services
8 · May 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch