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The Class of 2024, Valedictorians and Salutatorians - front row: Ava Williams, Jamesyn Swierzb, Alyssa Fuller, Samuel Han, back row: Crystal Phan, Kimberly Barron,

          Jayden Myers, and Elizabeth Thomas. Photo by John Rhaesa
             Wayne Memorial High School Class of 2024

                            Valedictorians and Salutatorians

             Wayne Memorial High School has     Area of study: Nursing          of  my  high  school  journey,  I  was  complishment is how I've developed
          three valedictorians and five saluta-  Parent Names: Maria Barron &   nominated and chosen as a legacy  as a person over the last 4 years in
          torians this year. Both categories of  Rosalio Barron                 student, leaving a positive impact on  high school. Entering high school, I
          achievement are determined strictly   Notable  High  School  Accom-   my school community for future gen-  had  really  bad  anxiety,  low  confi-
          by  cumulative  GPA.  Valedictorians  plishments:  I was honored to be  erations to look upon.          dence,  and  a  small  number  of
          have GPAs 4.0 and above. Salutato-  selected  for  prestigious  programs  Jayden Myers – Plans to study at  friends. But overtime, I was able to
          rians have GPAs between 3.93 and   and  clubs  such  as  the  National  Eastern Michigan University     eliminate my anxiety, raise my confi-
          3.99.                              Honor Society, Student Senate, and   Area of study: Secondary Edu-   dence,  and  amass  a  large  friend
                                             Upward Bound, where I actively con-  cation in History and Geography   group as I began to go out of my com-
                                             tributed  to  our  school  community.  Parent Names:  Christie Myers  fort zone and experiment with my so-
          Meet the Class of                  Additionally, I spent two of my sum-  and Larry Myers                cial skills and humor. Being able to
          2024 Valedictorians:               mers conducting research alongside   Notable  High  School  Accom-   change for the better, in my opinion,
             Kimberly Barron – Plans to at-  esteemed researchers at the Univer-  plishments: Although being one of  outweighs any academic accomplish-
          tend the University of Michigan- Ann  sity of Michigan, gaining invaluable  the three valedictorians is a huge ac-
          Arbor                              experience and insights. At the end  complishment for me, my biggest ac-              See 2024, page 4
                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · June 2024 · 3
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