Page 4 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
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2024, Continued from page 3                                                                                Elizabeth Thomas – Plans to at-
                                                                                                                  tend the Eastern Michigan University
          ment that I've achieved throughout                                                                         Area of study: Cinema Produc-
          my time in high school.                                                                                 tion
                                                                                                                     Parent  Names:  Kelly  Thomas-
             Crystal  Phan – Plans to attend                                                                      VonLinsowe, Robert VonLinsowe
          the  University  of  Michigan-  Ann                                                                        Notable  High  School  Accom-
          Arbor                                                                                                   plishments:  2-year NTHS Member,
             Area of study: Biochemistry or                                                                       3-time  academic  letter  recipient,
          Pharmaceutical Sciences at LSA                                                                          MSVMA  Musical  Theatre  Competi-
             Parent  Names:  Dang  Phan  &                                                                        tion - Division II, Michigan SkillsUSA
          Toan Do                                                                                                 2023 - Placed 8th for Digital Cinema,
             Notable  High  School  Accom-                                                                        Scholastic Art and Writing Awards -
          plishments:  Valedictorian, 4 year                                                                      Regional Silver Key
          Honor Roll Student, Upward Bound                                                                           DAFT  Film  Festival  -  Honor,
          Acceptance, National Honor Society                                                                      DAFT Film Festival - Excellent, and
          Acceptance,  Received  a  Gold  Key                                                                     National  Technical  Honor  Society
          from  the  Scholastic  Art  &  Writing                                                                  Member
          Competition,  2024  Wayne  County
          High School DIA Exhibition Honor, Salutatorians Elizabeth Thomas, Jamesyn Swierzb and Samuel Han at graduation.  Ava Williams – Plans to attend
          Member  of  Operation  Opportunity  Photo by John P. Rhaesa                                             the  University  of  Michigan-  Ann
          cohort (2024), Completed 3 years of  University of Michigan- Ann Arbor   winner of the National Poetry Schol-  Arbor
          Marching Band, Marching Band Let-     Area of study:   Not decided yet,  arship,  published  works  in  books,  Area of study: Biology
          ter, 3 year member of Symphony Or-  maybe law or business             Questbridge Finalist, Centralis Final-  Parent Names:  Jamie Fielhauer
          chestra,  Solo  &  Ensemble  2nd      Parent Names:  Jong In Han &    ist,  Executive  Board  on  National  Notable  High  School  Accom-
          Division Rating, Received the Wayne  So Youn Lee                      Honor Society, performed music at  plishments:   Class President (2020-
          Rotary  Foundation  Scholarship,      Notable  High  School  Accom-   Oakland  University  through  their  2022),   Executive   Board   Vice
          Westland Rotary Club Scholarship,  plishments:   High  GPA,  highest  Honors  Orchestra,  received  the  President  (2022-2023),  Executive
          and the George and Ruth Bell Memo-  SAT score in my grade, getting ac-  MSBOA, award 2, in both years par-  Board President (2023-Current), Na-
          rial  Scholarship.  Student  Senate  cepted to University of Michigan   ticipated (1 is best),  Singles Varsity  tional Honor Society President, Ro-
          Class  Publicity  Historian.  National                                2 on the tennis team              tary Interact President 2024, Varsity
          History  Academy  Scholar,  WMHS      Jamesyn Swierzb – Plans to at-                                    Soccer, Legacy Award Recipient
          Legacy Award Recipient.            tend the University of Michigan- Ann
                                                Area of study:  Molecular, Cellu-
          2024 Salutatorians:                lar,  and  Developmental  Biology,
             Alyssa Fuller – Plans to use next  Minor in Spanish
          fall to finish the Early College Pro-  Parent Names:   Tina Swierzb
          gram then transfer to Oakland Uni-    Notable  High  School  Accom-
          versity Fall of 2025               plishments:  Founded  and  is  the
             Area of study: Elementary Edu-  first  President  of  the  WMHS  Book
          cation                             Club,  conducted  research  in  a
             Parents  Names:  Staci  Steffani-  Human  Genetics  Lab  centering
          Fuller and Johnny Fuller           around sex chromosomes and male
             Notable  High  School  Accom-   infertility at the University of Michi-
          plishments: Cheer  Captain,  Soft-  gan, taught English to Ukrainian vic-
          ball Captain, William D Ford Legacy  tims  of  war  through  ENGin,
          Student, Student Senator           conducted  Breast  Cancer  research
             Samuel Han – Plans to attend the  with  Cancer  Research  UK,  topical

          4 · June 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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