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Wayne Memorial dedicates new Wall of Honor

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         from  the  Wayne  Memorial  Concert
             On Friday, May 31st, Wayne Me-                                                                       Choirs of 1962 and 1972. The Spec-
          morial High School had a dedication                                                                     tator Yearbook from 1940 and 1942.
          to  their  new  Wall  of  Honor.  Gwen                                                                  Student  ID  cards  and  handbooks
          Fretenborough,  Wayne  Memorial                                                                         from 1950 (the first class to walk the
          High  School  teacher,  spoke  at  the                                                                  halls). A special original edition of
          dedication.                                                                                             the Wayne Hi-Lite from 1954. These
             Fretenborough  explained  that                                                                       donated  artifacts  from  former  stu-
          during the summer of 2023, she at-                                                                      dents highlight the Zebra Pride and
          tended the Friends of the World War                                                                     lifestyle from Wayne High’s 150 plus
          II Memorial. It was a week-long sem-                                                                    year history.
          inar where they learned more about  Students, faculty, administration, and city leaders at the Wall of Honor dedication.  The  last  dedication  goes  to  the
          World  War  II  and  how  to  teach  it.  Photo by Jenny Johnson                                        presentation  of  poppies.  The  red
          When  they  left,  they  were  to  come  share  of  protests  and  movements,  hospitals for treatment.   poppy is a symbol of remembrance
          back to their school and do a service  along with pep rallies every Friday.   The next dedication goes to hon-  and hope for a peaceful future. Pop-
          learning project with the students.   The second dedication goes to the  oring the 50. The new Wayne High  pies are worn to show support for
             The Wall of Honor is that project.  Flying  Zebra  Class  of  1945.  The  School began construction in 1950.  the Armed Forces community. The
          The student dedications begin with  Class of 1945 raised over $30,000 in  It cost $2 million and originally had  poppy is a well-known and well-es-
          the history of Wayne Memorial.     a  subscription  drive.  $5,000  was  41  classrooms.  The  “Memorial”  in  tablished symbol, one that carries a
             The  first  Wayne  High  School  given to various charities, including  Wayne Memorial was added in 1953  wealth of history and meaning with
          opened in April 1925 on Michigan   the  Red  Cross  and  the  Polio  fund.  to commemorate the 50 servicemen  it.
          Ave and Williams Street. As World  However, the students spent the re-  who lost their lives in World War II.  Fretenborough wanted to thank
          War II rolled through the 40s, many  maining  $25,000  on  buying  a  new  (You can find the names of these men  those that helped make the dedica-
          students held dances, played sports,  airplane.  “The  Flying  Zebra”  was  and  more  information  about  them  tion happen: Wayne Westland Com-
          and joined clubs to keep their spirits  flown into Willow Run Airport by a  on the screens in the Wall of Honor  munity  Schools  Print  Shop  and
          up and have fun as their friends and  woman pilot. The entire senior class  display).                   Communications  Department  for
          families fought in the war.        went to see the plane. Then the plane  The next dedication goes to show-  their support, the Class of 1972 for
             In the 1950s, the new high school  was donated to the war effort to be  case items. The Wayne Historical So-  their donations, Wayne Historical So-
          was built, and during the 60s and  used  as  an  air  ambulance,  flying  ciety donated items (on loan) from  ciety, and Adrienne Nathan for her
          70s,  Wayne  Memorial  saw  its  fair  wounded from the front to military  the museum such as: a vinyl record  dedication. dedicates

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · June 2024 · 5
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