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UAW, Continued from page 5                                            President for seven years.        Christmas.
                                                                                  “My favorite part is the fact you  They  are  currently  working  on
          bution  warehouse  in  Van  Buren                                     can  make  a  difference  in  so  many  their  Stuff  the  Bronco  program
          Township.”                                                            people's lives everyday. It gives you a  where  they  pack  a  Bronco  with
             “You’ve  got  two  people  up  here                                good feeling knowing the decisions  school  supplies.  Donations  includ-
          that  have  stood  on  the  picket  line                              you  make  affect  others'  livelihood.  ing: backpacks, pencils, pens, paper,
          with striking UAW members,” said                                      That's  what  we’re  here  for.  That’s  rules,  erasers,  folders,  or  other
          Fain, in reference to V.P. Harris and                                 what UAW stands for. To uplift stan-  school  supplies  would  be  appreci-
          Walz.                                                                 dards  of  living  conditions  of  the  ated.
             During  the  2019  national  UAW                                   working class. You can't get a better  If you’d like to get involved or sup-
          strike against GM, V.P. Harris walked                                 reason than that,” said Walker.   port the UAW Local 900, they collect
          the  picket  line.  During  the  2023                                   Walker has been with Ford for 34  eyeglasses  for  Lions  Club,  Cell
          Stand Up Strike, Walz was standing                                    years  and  29  years  as  an  elected  Phones for Soldiers with the Wayne
          on the picket line too.                                               UAW representative.               Police Department, or you can drop
             “They’re  very  personable,  and                                     “We’re  glad  to  be  a  part  of  the  off  gently  used  clothing  that  they
          know what the average person needs.                                   community.  We  live  here,  we  work  share with Veteran’s Haven or Light-
          We’re fortunate to have someone we                                    here, we do everything here. We’re  house Church. Local 900 is also col-
          can communicate with,” said Walker.                                   loyal. If you need us, just call. We’ll  lecting prom dresses.
          “The V.P. she picked seems like an                                    be right there with you,” said Walker.   UAW  Local  900  is  located  at
          everyday guy. If you didn’t know he                                     UAW Local 900 has hosted and    38200 Michigan Ave in Wayne.
          was  from  Minnesota,  you  would                                     participated in events such as: Red  For more information about UAW
          think  he  was  from  right  here  in                                 Cross blood drives, food drives, food  Local 900 or upcoming events, you
          Wayne.”                                                               banks,  coat  drives,  back-to-school  can  find  them  on  Facebook  by
             Walz is also a proud union mem-                Vice President Harris  drive with Hill Crest Bible Church,  searching “UAW Local 900” or call
          ber.                               Company, General Motors, and Stel-  Adopt an Angel with Wayne-Westland  (734) 721-2530.
             “I  couldn’t  be  prouder  to  be  on  lantis).                    Goodfellows,  Trunk-or-Treat,  Stuff  “The  bottom  line  about  UAW  is
          this ticket and couldn’t be prouder  “They realize a lot of things hap-  the Bronco, Stuff the Bus, and much  even  if  you’re  not  a  member  of  a
          to stand with UAW,” said Governor  pened here in the past year. We were  more.                          union, you better thank unions. So
          Walz.                              under negotiation. Ground zero for   The Local 900 recently had a golf  I’m  here  to  say  thank  you.  Thank
             UAW Local 900 was the first Ford  the strike. They are definitely repre-  outing for veterans, Slow Roll in the  you  to  the  sisters  and  brothers  of
          plant to go on strike last fall during  senting UAW. We’re doing a lot of pos-  community, and is already planning  UAW for all you are and all we will do
          the UAW's nearly seven weeks strike  itive things in Wayne,” said Walker.   their Adopt an Angel program to sup-  over  these  next  89  days,”  said  V.P.
          against the “Big Three” (Ford Motor   Walker has been UAW Local 900   port  less  fortunate  families  for  Harris.

          6 · September 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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