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Spotlight, Continued from page 10                                                                       Hut, Favazza’s boss mentioned how
                                                                                                                  he  didn’t  like  the  company  taking
          way  to  Amanda’s  house  with  hot                                                                     care of his lawn. Favazza volunteered
          food.                                                                                                   to do lawn work for him, which led
             Amanda and I have had our fair                                                                       to him launching his own lawn care
          share of pizzas throughout the years                                                                    company.
          of our movie nights, so we were ex-                                                                        Favazza  continued  working  his
          cited to try something new.                                                                             lawn care business during the sum-
             The presentation of the Super Z                                                                      mer and working at Pizza Hut during
          pizza was visually pleasing, with the                                                                   the winter. His lawn care company
          red  pepperoni  and  green  peppers                                                                     has been in business for 35 years,
          standing out against the light moz-                                                                     working during the winter months
          zarella  cheese.  All  of  the  toppings                                                                too now.
          were  evenly  distributed  and  the                                                                        However,  pizza  was  always
          cheese looked cooked to perfection.                                                                     Favazza’s passion.
             We even got a nice little cheese-                                                                       “I just started making pizza, no
          pull  when  we  grabbed  our  pizza  Look for the yellow  G. Faz food truck serving the “Best Pizza you’ve had in a long  idea why,” said Favazza. “I'm Italian,
          slices.  (You  should  know  I  love  a                                                                 so I like food.”
          good cheese-pull by now).          time.”                                                                  In 2012, Favazza started experi-
             The  cheese  on  the  cheese  styx  the thinner side, but I approved of it  Wayne that has been working in the  menting  with  making  pizza  sauce
          was lightly browned and appeared to  for dipping the cheese styx and my  pizza industry for most of his life.     and dough.
          be  seasoned  appropriately.  It  was  pizza crust in because it had a good  Fresh out of high school, Favazza  During his time with Pizza Hut,
          just the right texture you want from  ranch flavor.                   began working for Domino’s as a de-  Favazza was put through a “dough
          a cheese stick.                       We  thought  G.Faz  Pizza  was  a  livery  driver.  Then  he  worked  for  master”  class  to  learn  prep-work.
             But breadsticks are nothing with-  great  addition  to  our  movie  night  Hungry Howie’s Pizza as a delivery  Some of the processes he learned in
          out  their  dipping  sauce,  and  as  and I would absolutely stop by again  driver, and then Pizza Hut. Favazza  that  class,  he  still  uses  now  when
          you’ve probably gathered, I’m not a  to order the same thing or maybe try  stayed with Pizza Hut for 17 years.    making pizza.
          marinara girl. I’m a ranch girl.    something new on the menu.          “I  was  good  at  delivery,”  said  Originally,  Favazza  wanted  to
             Not all ranches are created equal.  G.Faz Pizza opened April 2020.  Favazza. “Delivery driving was good  open his own restaurant but he did-
          Some are too thick, while others are  George  Favazza,  G.Faz  Pizza  money for me.”
          too runny. G.Faz Pizza’s ranch is on  Owner,  is  a  life-long  resident  of  During his employment at Pizza      See Spotlight, page 13

          12 · October 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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