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Homecoming Royalty                                             Spotlight, Continued from page 12  come up with new ideas and is plan-
                                                                                                                  ning on coming out with new pizzas
                                                                                n't want to spend over $100,000 to  (like a BLT pizza) by next year.
                                                    (Left), Homecoming winners  do so, so he thought about launching  Eventually,  Favazza  plans  to
                                                    Nie Wright and MaryAnn Sino.  his own line of take-and-bake pizzas  phase  out  his  lawn  care  business
                                                                                instead,  but  ultimately  decided
                                                                                                                  and just do pizza.
                                                    2024/2025    Homecoming     against that idea.                   “When  you  have  a  restaurant,
                                                    Royal  Court  Senior  Class   Favazza obtained his food license  you’re married to it. I wanted to do
                                                    Members (front from left to  in 2019 and worked a few events in  something because I want to, not be-
                                                    right Riley Macko, MaryAnn  his first food truck, until he quickly  cause I have to,” said Favazza.
                                                                                realized it wasn't big enough.  So he
                                                                                                                     Favazza  wants  to  retire  with
                                                    Sino,  LaMaya  Glover,  and  sold his original truck and bought  G.Faz Pizza, and possibly open a cof-
                                                    Malaiya Lockett. (Back) Olivia  the one he is using today.    fee truck one day as well.
                                                    Farmer,  Patricia  Humphery,  “My favorite part is talking to peo-  The G.Faz Pizza truck is out most
                                                    Nie Wright, Janayah Watts,  ple  and  repeat  customers,”  said  Fridays, generally from 3 - 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                Favazza. “I enjoy interacting with cus-
                                                                                                                  at  GTI  Graphics  (located  at  2270
                                                    Abigail Raiseanen and Phae-  tomers that keep coming back. Get-  South Wayne Rd).
                                                    dra Mills.                  ting to know people and getting to   “Come try us out and see if it's the
                                                                                know  their  order  before  they  even  best pizza you've had in a long time,”
                                                                                come to our truck.”               said Favazza.
                                                                                  Some of G.Faz Pizza’s best selling  For  more  information  about
                                                                                items are the bread styx, cheese styx,  G.Faz Pizza, visit or
                                                                                and  BBQ  Chicken  Bacon  Ranch   call (734)822-1615. G.Faz Pizza is
                                                                                pizza.                            available for special events.
                                                                                  “It has both BBQ sauce and ranch   For a deeper dive into Favazza’s
                                                                                dressing  on  it,  which  makes  it  story,  you  can  read  Courtney
                                                                                unique,” said Favazza.            Conover’s  article  at  thewaynedis-
                                                                                  G.Faz Pizza is usually open until
                                                                                December, closed for the winter, and  Be sure to check out G.Faz Pizza
                                                                                opens  back  up  at  the  end  of  before it closes for the season, and
                                                                                March/beginning of April.         be on the lookout for the next Spot-
                                                                                  Favazza  is  taking  the  winter  to  light Series with Sarah!

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · October 2024 · 13
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