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P. 10

Remaining columns of the amphitheater.

          Goudy, Continued from page 5         “This is a big deal for our commu-
                                             nity and for being able to keep the
          and residents attending the meeting.   concert series going. So thank you
             “We put the water reservoir reme-  for all your efforts and for the admin-
          diation out to bid and put the park  istration for all their work in making
          design out to bid. So not only would  this,”  said  Wayne  Mayor  John
          we be saving $1.6 million on the re-  Rhaesa.
          mediation  of  the  water  reservoir,  If you want to watch the full city
          John  came  in  about  $20,000  less  council meeting to
          than  the  design  build,”  said  Webb.  listen to the pres-
          “By the time this is all said and done,  entation for your-
          we probably saved about $1.8 mil-  self, scan the QR
          lion on the overall project from what  code  and  skip
          was projected earlier.”            ahead to 1:47:42
             Some  council  members  then    timestamp.
          wanted to take a moment to acknowl-   To learn more
          edge the amount that was saved.    about  Hennessey  Engineers,  visit
             “I just wanted to say I really ap- or email info@hengi-
          preciate you guys working very hard
          on  this,”  said  Don  Quarles,  coun-  “We’re very happy to be part of the
          cilperson. “1.8 million dollars was  community and this is going to be a
          saved,  that’s  a  huge  amount  of  great project. It’s going to be a lot of
          money.”                            fun,” said Hennessey.
             After  the  council  was  satisfied  Construction officially started on
          from  asking  multiple  questions  the groundwork at Goudy Park on
          about the plan, the motion carried  Monday, September 23rd. Be sure to
          with all “yeses” from the council.    drive by the park to see the progress!

          10 · October 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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