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Lots of Family-friendly Halloween activities in Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         host  Trunk  or  Treat.  Sensory
             If  you’re  looking  for  family-                                                                    friendly hours are from 2 - 3 p.m.,
          friendly activities to enjoy for the Hal-                                                               general public from 3 - 5 p.m.
          loween season, the city of Wayne has                                                                       The event will have cider, donuts,
          got  you  covered  with  events  all                                                                    and plenty of candy to go around.
          throughout the month of October.                                                                           Merge Community Church is lo-
                                                                                                                  cated at 3789 Venoy Rd.  “Our sen-
             On Sunday, October 13th from                                                                         sory friendly hour is perfect for any
          10  a.m.  -  1  p.m.,  Flowers  in  the                                                                 kiddos that need it to be a little less
          Mitten will host Bluey and Bingo                                                                        crowded  and  chaotic,”  said  Velita
          Halloween.                                                                                              Reith,  Merge  Community  Church
             Children can come dressed up in                                                                      Outreach Leader.
          Halloween  costumes  and  get  free
          photos with Bluey and Bingo. Adults                                                                        On  Saturday,  October  26th
          can shop for Halloween and fall dec-                                                                    from  2:30  -  4  p.m.,  Wayne  West-
          orations  from  talented  vendors  in-                                                                  land Federal Credit Union will host
          side the shop while they’re there.                                                                      Trunk or Treat.
             Flowers in the Mitten is located at                                                                     The  event  will  have  a  balloon
          34852 Michigan Ave.                                                                                     maker on site, police cars and fire
             “Come  dressed  up  and  show                                                                        trucks, and kids' music for a small
          Bluey and Bingo your Halloween cos-                                                                     dance party.
          tume and get your picture taken with                                                                       Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit
          them,” said Rachel Botu, Flowers in                                                                     Union (WWFCU) is located at 500 S
          the Mitten owner.                                                                                       Wayne Rd.
                                                                                                                     “We  are  looking  forward  to  an-
             On  Wednesday,  October  16th   Lots of Halloween fun for the entire family in and around town.      other  successful  Trunk  or  Treat
          from 5 - 7 p.m., Corewell Health      The event will have artisan ven-  On Saturday, October 19th at    event this year. All are welcome and
          Wayne Hospital will host Trunk or  dors, oddities and curiosities, tarot  2p.m., Flowers in the Mitten will  invited to attend. Bring your ghouls,
          Treat.                             readings,  live  music,  food  trucks,  also host a Boo Floral Class.    ghosts, goblins, and kids too," said
             The  event  will  have  Halloween  hourly  giveaway,  and  entertainers  You can celebrate the Halloween  Joleen Bowman, WWFCU CEO.
          music playing, fun decorations, silly  throughout  the  day  including  Fire  season  with  a  floral  tin  pumpkin.
          costumes, and sweet treats.        Dancer, Saffire Supernova, and the  The class ($40 per person) will teach  On  Saturday,  October  26th
             Corewell Health Wayne Hospital  Detroit Stilt Walker.  There will be a  step-by-step  how  to  make  the  from 4 - 6:30 p.m., Books on the
          is located at 33155 Annapolis St.    costume contest with prizes for Best  adorable arrangement while enjoying  Ave and Karma Coffee and Kitchen
             “Enjoy some hot chocolate, cider,  Witch  Hat,  Overall  Costume,  and  some Halloween treats.       will host their fourth annual Trunk
          and doughnuts while our staff and  Best Children’s Costume.             Flowers in the Mitten is located at  or Treat Spooktacular.
          friends  pass  out  candy.  Costumes  Moonlit Mystic is located at 3019  34852 Michigan Ave.               The event will have an artist mar-
          are encouraged and be prepared for  S Wayne Rd. The event will be held  “It's something fun and different  ket, hot chocolate, and food items
          a  great  time,”  said  Keyla  LaVeque,  in the back parking lots and inside  to do where you're getting to learn  for sale.  There will be a trunk con-
          Corewell Health Administrative As-  the store. A pop-up bar will be in the  basic floral skills. It’s a fun afternoon  test.
          sistant.                           event space where Knights of Colum-  out to explore your creativity,” said  If  you’re  interested  in  donating
                                             bus Notre Dame Council 3021 will   Botu.                             candy  or  want  to  show  off  your
             On  Saturday,  October  19th    be serving beer and spirits.                                         trunk, call (734)589-0304.
          from 12 - 4 p.m., Goody’s Pet Sup-   “We’d  love  to  invite  the  commu-  On  Saturday,  October  26th    Karma Coffee and Kitchen is lo-
          ply will host Halloween Pet Photos.   nity out for a wicked-day of fun in  from 12 - 3 p.m., First Congrega-  cated  at  35634  Michigan  Ave.  The
             The  photos  ($10  a  photo)  are  the  city  of  Wayne,”  said  Tiffany  tional Church of Wayne will host  event will be held behind Karma Cof-
          taken  by  Dee  Maggio  Photography,  Walker, Moonlit Mystic owner.    Trunk of Treat.                  fee.
          benefitting Providing for Paws. There                                   The  event  will  have  candy,     “We wanted to do something fun
          will be a Fall backdrop for the pho-  On  Saturday,  October  19th    dessert,  games,  costume  contest,  for the community to help make Hal-
          tos, so you can come in Halloween  from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., the Wayne  and scavenger hunt.               loween more fun and safe,” said Jen-
          costume or Fall attire.            Public Library is hosting Ghostly    First  Congregational  Church  of  nifer  Romero,  Karma  Coffee  &
             Goody’s Pet Supply is located at  Tea Lights.                      Wayne is located at 2 Towne Square.  Kitchen owner.
          35340 E Michigan Ave.                 The event is for all ages. You can  The event will be held in the church
             “We are all looking forward to see-  make  your  own  light-up  ghost  pal  parking lot. For more information,  On  Saturday,  October  26th
          ing you or your pets. Thank you for  out of air-dry clay and a battery-pow-  call (734)729-7550.        from 4 – 8 p.m., Classics and Be-
          showing your support to Providing  ered tea light.                      “We’re  open  to  everybody  and  yond Auto Gallery will host their
          for Paws,” said Tom Swim, Goody’s     The Wayne Public Library is lo-  inviting all families. Come for an af-  third annual Trunk or Treat.
          Pet Supply Manager.                cated at 3737 S Wayne Rd.          ternoon  of  enjoyment,”  said  Bob  The event will have a small car
                                               “These  glowing  ghosts  look  im-  Cooper, lead minister at First Con-  show, trunk decorations, a trick-or-
             On  Saturday,  October  19th    pressive  -  and  adorable  -  but  are  gregational Church of Wayne.    treating line through the showroom,
          from 12 – 6 p.m., Moonlit Mystic   super  simple  to  make,”  said  Jody                                pizza and hot dogs, and soft drinks
          will host its third annual Witches  Wolak, Wayne Public Library direc-  On  Saturday,  October  26th,
          be Witchin’.                       tor.                               Merge  Community  Church  will              See Halloween, page 6
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · October 2024 · 3
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